Layout of a plot of 6 acres: design features of a small plot

The layout of the dacha plot depends on the requirements that the family places on the country house and the goals of farming. The older generation of summer residents prefers gardening work, middle-aged people and young people prefer to go to the site for relaxation and emotional and mental relaxation after working days, cooking barbecue with friends. Families with children need a place for physical development and development of mobility skills in children.

Depending on the purpose of your stay at the dacha, you should choose a priority zone. It is difficult to create objects for all target categories or a combination is possible, but the choice of crops and object sizes requires a more careful approach. We will analyze the stages, norms and rules, layouts of dacha plots of 6 acres for each target group.

Design made easy

When planning and working, consider three basic design principles:

  1. Creation and construction of a dream home.
  2. Convenient location of individual objects.
  3. The multifunctionality of each zone and their interaction.
  4. Decoration using landscaping and decoration.
  5. Landscape design techniques that will visually enlarge the area and create coziness.

On a note! Take your time and think through everything to the smallest detail. Do not leave small details “for later” and immediately include them in the design plan and indicate these points in drawings and notes.

Every detail is important down to the smallest detail, so as not to redo it later Source

Organization of a barbecue area

It is better to plan a summer kitchen or barbecue area in an open space. It is better to arrange the site near a bathhouse or gazebo. It is not necessary to allocate a lot of space for a barbecue.

It is permissible to take out the roasting pan when necessary, using the backyard or an area outside the boundaries of the site. The hearth can only be considered as a means of cooking.

  • Ornamental grass: review of the best decor options and instructions for using ornamental grass (170 photos)

  • How to design a flowerbed - instructions, diagrams, types and options for proper placement of a flowerbed (140 photos)

  • DIY flower beds - 180 photos of unusual ideas for beginners and features of their application

You can enjoy the results in any more suitable corner of the territory, suitable for relaxing and eating.

Plan of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres

In any business you need a clear plan. If it is detailed and all the details are taken into account, then bringing it to life will not be difficult. Plot of 6 acres, layout, layout options for the site directly depend on what exactly a person wants to see in this territory. Even without an art education, you can develop a competent design for all zones. To do this, you can use special programs or make drawings manually. The first stage of creating a drawing is determining the scale and distribution of zones. When planning a house and other buildings, you need to familiarize yourself with the standards established by the urban planning plan.

The design of a house is just as important when planning the landscape of a site from scratch Source

You will need a situational plan of the site, which will show how to correctly position the communications system. These positions must also be marked on the plan, as well as the distance for their connection. Consider the terrain. If there are slopes and hillocks, then additional strengthening of the slopes may be required, which will help avoid flooding of individual areas and the occurrence of landslides. They will ensure soil stabilization. Considering these points, we must not forget about the appearance of the entire territory.

When planning, you need to take into account not only the appearance of the site, but also what will be hidden inside - communications Source

On a note! Fortifications can be decorated with stone paths, steps, flower beds on hills and decorative solutions.


Before you begin to develop the space that has opened up before you, you need to carefully study the current standards for summer cottage construction. It is necessary to select a site design in strict accordance with them. This will help avoid fines.

At the design stage, it would be useful to look at popular site diagrams presented on specialized websites. They can give you a lot of useful information to think about.

Be sure to put the result of your thoughts on paper. A visual project will allow you to take into account all the nuances. Thanks to it, you will also be able to realistically assess the amount of necessary financial and physical costs.

Competent planning on a plot of 6 acres

The house can be located in any part of the site, taking into account communications. The main thing is to rationally arrange other objects, creatively design nearby areas and correctly integrate height differences into the design:

  1. House.
  2. Bathhouse.
  3. Alcove.
  4. Barbecue area.
  5. Parking space or garage.
  6. Playground.
  7. Garden.

Once the list of all objects has been determined, they must be placed on the plan. Consider SNiP standards:

  1. A three-meter setback from the red road line and the neighboring area is required.
  2. The distance from the forest to the nearest building should not be less than 15 meters.
  3. The septic tank should be located no closer than 5 meters from the foundation of the house.

Approximate layout of objects on the site Source
The wish list will not always fit on six hundred square meters. Above are the mandatory positions that can actually be placed. It is best to arrange objects taking into account communication. Accordingly, the house must be built next to a well, gas pipeline and power line. According to experts, in order to rationally distribute all additional buildings and zones, the size of the house should not exceed 10% of the entire territory (6 m x 10 m).

A house on a plot should occupy no more than 10% of the territory Source

Bathhouse or gazebo

The landscape design of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres cannot ignore the Russian bathhouse and recreation area with a gazebo and barbecue area. If you focus on the plan above, then these objects can be placed in the garden. A neat lawn or flower garden will be surrounded by a bathhouse and a gazebo. Moreover, these two buildings can be connected and built under one roof. In this case, the gazebo will immediately perform several functions:

  1. Open veranda.
  2. A place to relax.
  3. Pre-bath area.

It’s good if there is a gazebo and a place for children to play on the summer cottage Source
See also: Catalog of garden house projects

If we are talking about numbers, then consider a compact building of 4-5 square meters. If space near the building allows, you can make an artificial pond, a wooden barrel for water treatments or a small pool. The relaxation area should be more spacious than the bathhouse. It is definitely worth setting aside a place for a barbecue. It is better to immediately plan to purchase this item with a roof, which will allow you to use it even in bad weather. The grill must be located at least three meters from the living space.

A bathhouse is a mandatory requirement at a summer cottage for recreation. Source

How to expand your territory

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to expand almost 6 acres, but you can use various design techniques to visually make the area more spacious. A small area is not necessarily a disadvantage; the objects on it are located quite close to each other, and the garden will not look half empty. Often 6 acres have the following dimensions:

  • 15x40 m;
  • 20x30 m;
  • 25x24 m.

These sizes are convenient, the landscape is visible from any part of the garden, so the design idea will be immediately visible. But to visually expand the space, there are many techniques that designers use.

See alsoPlants for landscape design

Video description

The location of the bathhouse on the site must be correct, about this in the video:

Parking or garage

Remember that rectangular buildings can easily create the illusion of a larger area than it actually is. Six acres will not be able to accommodate a large separate room for a car, unless you allocate part of the first floor for your own transport. The access area can be located near the exit or behind the yard. You should not decorate it with tiles if the parking space is under a canopy. This design looks attractive in pictures, but experience shows that tiles quickly lose their appearance from road dirt and require constant maintenance.

The layout of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres should take into account the number of cars in the family. If there is more than one, then it is more advisable to make a small garage with automatic roller shutters. One car will be inside the garage building, and the other will be in the driveway. You need to plan a garage before building a house and take into account the proposed options. Remember that a separate building, according to SNiP 2.07.01-89, must be located at least six meters from the house.

The garage is also not in last place when planning Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in landscaping and landscape work


Some city residents believe that there is no room for garden beds on their property, but in the future they will change their minds. It is worth pre-allocating a place for seedlings where there is not much sun so that it does not burn the crop. A greenhouse on six acres will take up too much space, and compact beds will even decorate the area. To save space, consider a design solution in the form of wooden boxes in one or more tiers. They can come in various shapes and are made not only from wood.

Designer beds in several tiers will help solve the problem of “not enough space for a vegetable garden” Source

The layout of a 6-acre plot with a house cannot do without “living” decoration. Flower beds can be evenly distributed around the entire perimeter. When the main positions are determined on the plan, the remaining places can be filled with rose gardens and flower beds. Don't forget that you will need to lay small paths. It is not necessary that they be laid according to a specific pattern. Chaotic nature in some design solutions is welcome. You should think about the material from which the paths will be created. You can use not only tiles and stones, but also wooden circles or boards.

Garden paths and steps on a site with a slope Source

Shrubs and small trees need to be planted wisely. Remember that they will get big very soon. Be sure to install guy ropes on seedlings so that they grow without bending the trunk and do not spoil the interior. Small ornamental shrubs or coniferous plants can be used to decorate not only the surrounding area of ​​the main premises, but also the perimeter of the paths. Do not forget about the rules regarding location to the borders of the neighboring property. Decorate flower beds with additional elements: figurines, decorative gravel and Japanese-style stones.

Even flower beds and alpine slides on the site should be thought out to the smallest detail Source


Despite the fact that six acres is not so much, it is worth allocating a small area for children's recreation. You can make it yourself or order ready-made. A well-executed design will not take up much space and will delight you with functionality. Separately, you can build a sandbox, install a trampoline and a swimming pool in the summer. It is important to prepare the site for this structure. Construction stores sell special coverings for playgrounds. They can help minimize the severity of injuries from falls.

Where there are children, there must be a playground Source

Which lamps are better

For street lighting, built-in luminaires with energy-saving lamps are best suited. They are relatively cheap, and their service life is quite long. You should not choose lamps of the same power as those usually used in an apartment or house. Less bright lamps are enough - they will highlight what is needed, and the cost of electricity will be significantly lower.

It is also convenient to separate switches for decorative lighting and functional lighting. Three-phase circuit breakers are suitable for this; it is more convenient to do wiring with them, and fuses will help avoid short circuits.

When thinking about lighting the area, make sure that the power cables are insulated from moisture, rain and snow. It's best to hide them underground, but be sure to mark them so you don't accidentally damage the cables when doing gardening work.

Important! The cable should not be located near the water supply.

Do-it-yourself cottage design for 6 acres

Decorating a cottage with your own hands

See alsoHow to make a beautiful alpine slide on your site

Landscape design on 6 acres

Design is a flight of fancy and you don’t need a diploma to work independently. If you take into account the basic recommendations of experienced and creative designers, you can create a unique complex on your territory. Landscape design on 6 acres can include hundreds of ideas. Let's look at the most interesting solutions:

  • Decorative fountains. There may be several small ones or one large one, for example, at the entrance in the center of the flower bed.

A fountain is not only beautiful, but also freshness in the yard in the summer heat Source

  • An improvised pond decorated with stones . Nearby is a seating area with a table and chairs.

A small pond will be a worthy decoration for a small area Source

  • Eliminate massive decorative elements. They are suitable for large areas. If there is not enough space for flowers and shrubs, you can landscape the buildings themselves. Plant ivy near your house or gazebo. Now you can find exotic varieties of this plant in different shades. This decor is not suitable for a bathhouse due to high temperatures.

If there is not enough space for flower beds, plant climbing plants Source

  • You can delimit zones using low wooden fences or hedges. Decorate the area with clay figurines. When purchasing these items, please note that not all of them are suitable for outdoor use. Buy those that are treated with special paint and will not peel off after a season. You can make the figures yourself. Now the trend is metal structures, which are assembled from strong wire and filled with stones.

Turtle - an original solution for decorating a site Source

  • The design of a summer cottage plot of 6 acres can be organized using lighting. Lanterns can be tall, located along the perimeter of paths or decorative in flower beds. Remember that it's all in the details. The lanterns will look organic during the day and illuminate the well-groomed area at night.

At night you can’t do without good lighting Source

Smooth lines

In a small space, sharp, clear lines look too rough and, on the contrary, once again emphasize the modest size and isolation of the territory. To smooth out this feeling, it is advisable to create natural curves and rounded lines. First of all, this applies to paths, flower beds, outlines of individual zones, reservoirs, etc.

Decorating a summer cottage with your own hands

Country house plot with original design

Decorating a summer cottage with flowers

See alsoDesigning a garden plot: the secrets of arranging with affordable means

Catching the “new wave”

A low-maintenance garden is a fashionable trend in landscape design. It not only saves the gardener’s energy, but also shows what a modern gardener he is, keeping up with the times. The main representative of the low-maintenance trend is Piet Oudolf, the most popular gardener of our century. Piet lives and works in the Netherlands. "For the development of radical ideas in garden design" he was appointed an honorary member of the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Pete's gardens leave the impression of being miraculous, as if created by nature itself. They are dominated by cereals, perennials and herbs typical for this climate zone. They are decorative at any time of the year, because the choice of plants follows a 70/30 proportion: 70% of the plants are structure-forming, this is the base of the garden, herbs and perennials, which retain decorative qualities throughout the season, and only 30% are beautifully flowering. Flowers should please the eye throughout the season, so beautifully blooming ones are selected according to the following principle:

  • 30% bloom in spring;
  • 40% bloom in summer;
  • 25% bloom in autumn.

All plants should be hardy, absolutely unpretentious in care and, if possible, local; the less exotic, the better. This approach not only makes the gardener's life easier, but also helps attract insects, bees and birds to the garden. Also: you need to avoid aggressive plants that take over space, displacing their neighbors.

A new wave garden should have one main theme: an array of one type of plant that is repeated many times. As you can see from the photos, Pete Wolf loves to plant repeating clumps of sage and asters, but it could be other crops as well. Curtains can be made not from one plant, but from two or three; a trio of salvia rosea, hosta chalcion, and oblong-leaved asters looks good. The main theme unites the garden into a common composition, the effect of color waves appears: ideally, a continuous carpet, a patchwork quilt, or a complex mosaic of simple plants is formed.

The garden should be multi-level: at the very top there are tree crowns, below are shrubs, and even lower are perennials. Even within the same group of plants there can be tall and short; "skeleton", "ordinary" and "air".

The “skeleton” creates a background; it is not needed if there is a beautiful fence, hedge, dense planting of conifers or shrubs. In other cases, the role of the “skeleton” is played by tall grasses and grass-like plants, elecampane, asters, and meadowsweet.

Plants with panicle inflorescences and candles are recruited into the “ordinary” flower gardens of the new wave; there are fewer “umbrellas” and even fewer “balls”. Pete makes extensive use of salvias, ornamental alliums, sedums and yarrow.

“Air” or “haze” creates the blurry, careless effect that everyone loves Pete’s Gardens for. It is achieved by transparent cereals and ornamental grasses. Burnet, eryngium and fennel work well for this effect.

Pete tries to make his flower beds in the western and southwestern parts of the plots: they look very beautiful in the rays of the setting sun. But in this photo, the garden of FORUMHOISE participant Vera Mironova with the nickname santolia, and here the evening sun shines through the miscanthus.

Almost everyone likes the new wave of flower beds, but few people dare to do something similar on their site. They need a lot of free space and a nervous system of steel.

HelgaForumHouse Member

It’s easy to plant all the components, but then everyone “forgets” about it, so that the result is a kind of “overgrown garden” that few people can do. It will still be “leveling/weeding/feeding/watering/mowing/oh, my clump here didn’t survive the winter/oh, the weeds have started to grow/.”

Apple tree

Take a closer look at the dwarf varieties of this fruit tree.
They look unusual, their flowering is spectacular, and the fruits are much easier to collect than from large apple trees. Columnar varieties do not form side shoots, but this does not affect the volume of the harvest. The following varieties have proven themselves well: Melba, Autumn Joy, Antonovka ordinary, President, Valyuta.

Garden, decorative all year round

A low-maintenance garden is a garden that maintains its decorative appearance and plant health with a minimum number of agrotechnical measures. Such a garden requires a minimum of effort: all the land in it is occupied by dense plantings or covered with beautiful mulch - there is simply nowhere for weeds to squeeze through; The plants in it are not just hardy - they are indestructible; watering is automated.

This is what one of the most popular low-maintenance gardens on our portal looks like now, created by Alina (nickname on FORUMHOUSE Leka77).

But this is how he was at the very beginning of his life.

Alina initially conceived a garden in a landscape style that would remain decorative throughout the year without much effort on her part.

Leka77 Member of FORUMHOUSE

This is a garden that is friendly to small children and their “big” pranks, to pets and to the active pastime of adults. I try to use plants from our strip as much as possible. I took English gardens with their elegant and carefully thought-out neglect as my ideal and prototype.

Another FORUMHOUSE member with the nickname mila_pav was planting a garden so that over time the hassle with it would not increase, but decrease.

mila_pavFORUMHOUSE member

To do this, you need to plant stable and hardy plants that do not require shelter for the winter, frequent pruning, etc. Plant them so that they close together as they grow and do not give weeds a chance.

For gardening

If the goal is to grow crops, then the strategy changes. Preference is given to landings. Decor, entertainment facilities, and the house come into the background.

They focus only on priorities in gardening. Greenhouses, beds, fruit bushes and trees predominate here.

Light distribution

To illuminate the area, it is better to provide separate switching of devices by zones. Illumination of the entire area at the same time is rarely used. More often, local “beacons” are needed.

Small solar-powered flashlights are suitable for illuminating unimportant objects. Such devices are easy to use, they do not consume electricity, and are not connected by wires.


A showy blooming perennial flower, ideal for adding to a flower bed. Many varieties of daylilies of all colors have been developed.

Also pleasing is the variety of compact varieties: Baby Blues, Little Night Jewel, Fantasme, Little Starlet, Penny Earned. The plant will be comfortable on neutral soil with deep groundwater.

For relax

If the dacha is intended for recreation, then the area is divided into zones based on interests. Planting is often limited to lawns and flower beds.

The addition will be a few fruit trees and isolated beds for greenery. Attention is directed to the functionality for a variety of recreation: gazebos, sun loungers, playgrounds, sports grounds.

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