DIY door decor step by step - 110 photos of ready-made ideas and new designs

The original design of home doors is not always the prerogative of professionals. With great desire and a creative approach, any talented person can make an unusual door decor. From our selection you will learn how to decorate a door with your own hands in the five most accessible ways for an amateur.

How to decorate a house door with your own hands.

Ways to create door decor

There are quite a few methods for creating a beautiful door from old material, so everyone can choose the most optimal method for themselves. This can be a very simple repainting of the canvas, wallpapering, or a more complex decoupage technique, finishing with molding, or creating stained glass windows.

But any remodel must begin with preparing the door for transformation.

Vintage decoration

This style has been very popular lately. This type of decoration for your door is not only a great way to disguise minor damage, but also to be in the trend of modern interior decor.

To decorate a door in a vintage style, you will need:

  • coarse sandpaper;
  • rollers;
  • brushes;
  • black baguette;
  • PVA glue;
  • assembly adhesive;
  • clear nail polish;

To create a beautiful door in a vintage style, you can take sheets from old newspapers, music books, special pictures for decoupage, moldings, half beads, braid and other decor.

First, the door must be removed and treated well - puttied and thoroughly sanded. Now you can start the decor itself. We paint the door white. After the paint has completely dried, we create an aging effect by sanding the object with coarse sandpaper. We decorate the center of the door and panels, for which notebooks or newspapers need to be torn in a chaotic manner. Using a pencil, we randomly draw rectangles and squares on the doors, apply glue to them and immediately glue the paper into the shapes, immediately smoothing it with our hands. Finally, coat the surface with two layers of varnish. Apply black baguette glue around the perimeter of the resulting piece. Any retro-style details can be used as additional elements.

To decorate a door in a similar style, blank stencils are perfect. This decor is an excellent solution for both doorways and sliding closet doors.

Preparatory activities

The decor of interior doors begins with an inspection of the surfaces. If the damage is quite small, then it may well be that no special effort is required. It will be enough to decorate the area with a child’s painting, painting or sticker.

If the surface to be remodeled is quite large, then certain preparatory steps will have to be taken.

They will be removing old paint, puttingtying particularly damaged areas, completely puttingtying the door to give the canvas the necessary evenness, removing excess materials and giving a uniform structure using sandpaper, priming for better adhesion to finishing materials.

It is better to do all this with the door removed from its hinges.

Decoration materials

Any materials remaining after renovation can be used as finishing materials. Regular or glass paint, fabric, wallpaper, ceiling skirting boards, varnish, pieces of mirrors or glass - anything is suitable for decoration.

However, first, it is better to practice on simple options for creating an unusual door.


Plain paint will be the easiest way to create a beautiful or unique door. This could be repainting the entire canvas in one color or creating an original pattern, selecting a color scheme in the form of a bright accent spot, or creating a door that replicates the decoration of the walls, applying patterns or ornaments.


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This solution can be used as decor for a metal door in the entrance area or as a canvas dividing rooms.

Proper preparation is half the success in work

Decorating a door with your own hands is a whole complex of stages, and according to the overwhelming majority of experts, initial preparation is considered perhaps the most important part of the work.

As a rule, the owners decide to decorate the old doors of the house in an original way; brave people who are ready to decorate a brand new home door beyond recognition are rare, because a new thing often looks good.

Let's start with the simplest thing, namely, what needs to be done before decorating the front door? In this case we are talking about the street, front part of the door leaf. According to statistics, more than 70% of owners prefer to install metal doors at the entrance.

The easiest way is to paint the outer part of a metal door with a stencil.

Steel structures can be decorated from the outside in only two ways: painting and cladding with wood or MDF. In both cases, you need to try to remove the old paint, sand the base and degrease it.

There are three ways to remove paint from a steel sheet:

  1. The simplest thing is to buy a remover and dissolve the coating. The method is quick and effective, but only if the door of the house faces the street. In a closed entrance of a multi-storey building there may be problems with neighbors, because the wash is a “wildly” smelly and harmful thing;
  2. You can also buy an attachment in the form of an iron brush (cord brush) for an angle grinder and scrape off the paint with it, the only problem here is noise;
  3. A relatively quiet, harmless and at the same time effective way is to heat the base with a hair dryer and scrape off the coating with a spatula, but if there is foam inside the iron door, then the temperature may slightly melt the insulation.

The most harmless way to remove old paint is to heat it with a hair dryer.

You should not try to heat up old paint with a blowtorch or gas torch; firstly, you may cause a fire, and secondly, at this temperature the metal may be partially deformed, and burns will appear on the wood.

Potholes and chips in an old MDF or chipboard board are cleaned with a wire brush and covered with putty, in this case the composition is taken for exterior woodwork, and when the putty has completely hardened, the surface is sanded with emery and covered with primer.

Continuous application of putty using a spatula.

Preparing an old wooden door is not much different from preparing the same chipboard. The first step is to remove the top layer of old paint or varnish. In addition to the three cleaning methods listed above, you can also take a sharp steel scraper and try to clean the paint with it, which is physically difficult, but quite possible.

The installation sites for the lock must be prepared especially carefully.

When you have managed to get rid of the old finish, you need to clean out and slightly widen the visible cracks with a knife or chisel. Next, pick up a sanding machine with medium sandpaper and sand the surface.

It is impossible to level the surface with sandpaper alone, so before decorating the old door, all serious defects need to be puttyed, dried and sanded again with a machine, but now with fine sandpaper.

Acrylic putty is one of the best compounds for leveling wooden doors.

Then you brush off the dust and cover the wood with acrylic or latex primer. In principle, you can grind it by hand, but it is time-consuming and difficult.


Patterns or ornaments are perfect for decorating a freshly painted door or creating an unusual design for an existing surface.

You can paint them with acrylic paints. If the artist’s talent is completely absent, then glass paints will come to the rescue, which are first applied to the selected template, and after drying, the film with a piece of the ornament is transferred to the surface of the door.

A good option for applying patterns would be regular stencils. Handicraft or stationery stores will help you purchase them. In the same way, you can create an unusual decor for the front door.

Focus on individual elements

Chic and laconic – this is how you can imagine highlighting individual parts of the door leaf in bright colors. So, for example, black moldings look luxurious against a snow-white door.

If this combination seems banal to you, try experimenting with tonal contrasts. An excellent solution would be to paint the door soft yellow and sky blue, white and green, or blue and red.

You can make door moldings yourself - you just need to nail thin wooden strips. First you should paint them, and then just secure them with small nails.

An unusual solution would be to focus on bright areas and frames made of wooden planks painted white.

More examples of door decoration are presented in the following photos.

There are quite a lot of interesting options for decorating entrance and interior doors. If you want to refresh your home interior, you can use ready-made ideas, or you can show your imagination and individuality by creating something original and impressive. The main thing is to maintain harmony and balance.


Unusual pictures can be painted using the door as an unusual canvas. These can be light ghostly landscapes, bright still lifes, cartoon or comic book characters, funny animals or images of cities.

Photo wallpaper

Another fairly simple way to create an unusual door is to use photo wallpaper. Thanks to a huge selection of a wide variety of themes, you can choose wallpaper that fully meets the aspirations of the owners. These can be black and white images of a modern metropolis, a cozy forest clearing, palm trees on the seashore, or a fairy-tale princess’s castle entwined with roses.

The technology of 3D photo wallpaper will make the room not only cozy, but will also somewhat expand the boundaries of the room.


Decoupage napkins will create absolutely unusual beauty. This is a great way to imitate an antique door, especially if you cover the applied design with a slightly cracked varnish.

The application method is quite simple and will not pose any particular difficulties. However, it won’t hurt to practice on simple boards or trays.

Pastoral scenes and flowers are usually used as pictures for decoupage decoration. But the decorator’s imagination can go further, using any images and even newspaper sheets.

Regular furniture varnish will help secure the image and protect it from external influences.

Stickers and stencils

If you are bored with plain doors, feel free to paint the canvas by hand. Can't draw? It doesn’t matter, because the simplest and most laconic floral or geometric motifs that do not require high artistic skills are in fashion.

To make the drawing even and neat, use stencils that can be printed in advance. They allow you to imagine exactly how the ornament will be positioned and not miss even the smallest details.

A bright and fashionable decoration tool is vinyl decals and stickers. Simple black silhouettes or laconic patterns are suitable for discreet interiors, and bright and colorful stickers, posters, and cutouts from comics are suitable for kitschy pop art.


Artificial aging

Artificial aging will add additional luxury to the doors of connoisseurs of antique styles.

This effect can be achieved in several ways, but the easiest way is to use craquelure varnish. It covers the paint with a network of tiny cracks.

A good option would be to use a quick paint job with a dry brush or sand the paint applied in several layers.

In this case, you must not forget about the decor around the door. An antique door will in no way become a worthy decoration for a room in modern styles.


One of the most unusual decoration options is mosaic. It is used quite rarely, since not all doors can withstand a layer of ceramic coating. The thickness of the door leaf itself increases significantly, its quality suffers, but the result looks incredibly beautiful.

It is recommended to use mosaic tiles in fragments. This will not create a large load on the door leaf, and the decor will look bright and unusual. It can be attached with glue or liquid nails.

See also: Technology and features of wall painting in the interior


Fabric or leather will look very unusual on the door. Ideally, they will be remnants of curtain fabric or upholstery upholstery.

For a delicate Provence or decoration of a bedroom or a child's little princess, exquisite lace is used.

Holiday decor

But the most favorite way to decorate a door remains its decoration before the holidays. Most often, such a solemn event becomes the New Year.

Door decor for the New Year can be done using the well-known and increasingly popular Christmas wreath. It will be complemented by a Christmas stocking, where Santa Claus can put sweets, curls of New Year's garlands and round dances of snowflakes every night.

For birthdays, you can use vinyl stickers with images of cakes, birthday caps, and balloons.

On March 8 and Valentine's Day, flowers and paper hearts will be the ideal decoration.

Photos of door decor will help you see the most popular finishing options and choose the most suitable method. Or maybe come up with something completely unexpected.


Installing a mirror on the door surface is an original and quick renovation method. It will help hide many defects of an old piece of furniture. The mirror will look best on the front door, since the hallway must have a reflective surface.

Door decor with drawings

Decorating doors with different shades

See alsoDecor of corners with benefits and aesthetics

Door decor photo

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