What should be the minimum area of ​​a summer cottage?

January 29, 2021

Choosing a plot area is not easy for many people. On the one hand, the smaller the territory, the easier it is to maintain. On the other hand, on a site with an area of ​​almost a hectare you can place a large house, a vegetable garden, a recreation area, a garage, outbuildings and even a guest house.

The financial issue is also important for most real estate buyers. Large facilities are expensive not only at the purchase and construction stage, but also during maintenance.

Let's figure out how to make the right choice of land to buy.

What should be the size of the plot for building a house?

To estimate what size plot to choose, the classic formula is suitable: the area of ​​the house should be no more than 1/10 of the area of ​​the territory. Thus, if you want to build a compact one-story cottage of 100 m², you need to choose an object with an area of ​​at least 10 acres.

The proportionality of the house and the site is important. On the same 10 acres, you can build a larger cottage, but in this case it will be more difficult to comply with building regulations that relate to the distance of a residential building from neighboring buildings and the entrance. In addition, with full construction there will be no room left for a garden, swimming pool, barbecue area, bathhouse and other attributes of country life.

Examples of competent distribution of space on objects of different sizes:

  • 6 acres - a small dacha or a 1-2-story house for permanent residence 7x8 meters, a compact vegetable garden or a comfortable place to relax;
  • 7-10 acres - a larger 1- or 2-story cottage with a carport, a bathhouse, a vegetable garden, a small pool or a children's playground;
  • 11-20 acres - a residential building, a bathhouse, outbuildings, landscape design elements and a spacious recreation area;
  • 20-30 acres - a cottage for a large family and several functional areas.

If the hundred is more than a hundred

Six acres is the usual size for summer cottages, which many received 25–30 years ago, but today land ownership may not be limited to a small plot where vegetables, flowers and fruit trees traditionally grow. If you are the owner of a large piece of land, then it makes sense to measure not in acres or acres, but in hectares. One hectare is equal to one hundred acres or ten thousand square meters. That is, if you have a plot of land with an area of ​​20 thousand square meters, then we can say that it is equal to two hectares.

Limit sizes of land plots:

Minimum lot size

The answer to the question of what is the minimum size of a land plot is contained in the Land Code of the Russian Federation. By law, the minimum size of a plot is at least 3 acres.

Developers usually sell larger properties - from 6 acres. On such an area you can place a private house, a parking space, a greenhouse, a small flower garden and a summer recreation area.

Maximum plot size

The maximum size of the plot area is not limited by law. Even if the developer does not sell properties of the size you need, you can buy several adjacent plots, combine them and get a suitable area for your project.

On a site of more than 40 acres, a large residential building is usually built, in which several generations of the same family can comfortably live, friends and relatives can be temporarily accommodated, a bathhouse, a swimming pool, and outbuildings. There is enough space left for improvement in accordance with the wishes of the owner.

Sanctions for illegal land seizure

Cases of illegal seizure of land are established by Art. 7.1 Code of Administrative Offences. If fraudulent aspects are identified, the case may fall under the criminal code. With this option, the offense faces much more serious consequences than just a fine and seizure of the site. In the absence of fraudulent activity, the violator will most likely pay a fine. Its size depends on several factors:

  • whether the plot is registered in the cadastral register;
  • What is the estimated value of this plot of land?

What to consider when choosing the area of ​​a land plot

Cash investments for improvement

When drawing up an estimate, take into account not only the cost of the object and the construction of the cottage, but also the prices for the construction of outbuildings, a bathhouse, a swimming pool, the purchase of landscape design objects, and paving paths.

The total area of ​​the plot directly affects how much the owner will spend annually on its maintenance. A large house requires significant costs for maintaining utility networks, a spacious territory requires clearing snow, maintaining a tidy lawn, and caring for plants.

Purpose of the site

The size of the plot for the construction of a private house must be sufficient to accommodate all additional functional areas. Building a house from scratch without a garden, vegetable garden, or recreation areas does not require a large area.

If the area will be used as a summer cottage, usually 6-8 acres are enough: they can accommodate a vegetable garden with greenhouses and a small holiday house.

House size

Even before purchasing, you should accurately understand the size of the house on the site. When choosing the size of a building, evaluate the number of residents, requirements for the size and location of residential and common areas.

The maximum size of a house on a plot is not limited. When choosing the area and location, it is important to consider the boundary lines on the property plan.

Additional buildings

It is necessary to calculate in advance the dimensions of each building on the land plot: bathhouse, garage, workshop, building for equipment and other objects.


Think about what else will be located on the territory. It can be:

  • gardening area;
  • landscaped recreation area in eco-style;
  • artificial pond;
  • other improvement objects.

If you don’t want to spend money on landscaping the site, a small property near the forest will do.

Form of land plot

It is important to take into account not only the size of the plot for the construction of a residential building, but also the ratio of its overall dimensions. The small width and twice the length of a rectangular plot of land will make you think about proper zoning of space. Difficulties will also arise when purchasing an object of non-standard shape.

Tithe, tax, measure of area - Encyclopedia


TITHE, 1) tax from peasants - collection of a tenth of income for the maintenance of the church and clergy during the period of feudalism. In England, tithes in monetary form remained until 1936. 2) A measure of land area in pre-revolutionary Russia, equal to 2,400 square fathoms (1.0925 hectares).

Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. 1980

TITH, basic premetric Russian measure of area = 2400 sq. fathoms (1.09 hectares, the so-called state). In the 18th and early 19th centuries, the owner's tithe (economic tithe) = 3200 sq. fathoms (1.45 ha).

Church tithe, a tenth of the harvest (or other income), collected by the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages from the population. Abolished at the end of the 18th and 19th centuries.

TITHE // Great Russian Encyclopedia. Electronic version (2016); https://bigenc.ru/domestic_history/text/1949580

TITHE, 1) D. church - a tenth of the income collected by the Church in the Middle Ages and Modern Times in the West. Europe and Rus'. In ancient times it existed among some Semitic peoples, in particular among the Jews, from whom it passed to the West. Christian Church. The Church first demanded D. in 585 (Council of Macon). Pepin the Short introduced D. as compensation for the Church during the secularization of church possessions. Under Charles I the Great, from 779 (Geristhal Capitulary), D. became mandatory for the entire population of the Frankish kingdom. In France, D. was abolished in 1789–90, in other Western Europe. countries - in the 19th century. In Rus' it was established in 996 by the Kyiv book. Vladimir Svyatoslavich and was originally intended for the Kyiv Church of the Tithes, soon acquired the character of a widespread tax levied by church organizations (with the exception of monasteries).

2) Church district, part of the diocese in Russia before the beginning. 18th century At the head of the D. was the ten's commander, whose functions were partially transferred from 1551 to the priestly elders and ten's priests.

3) Russian measure of land area. Known since the 14th century. Initially it was equal to 1/100 of a square verst, or 50 × 50 = 2500 square fathoms. In the 18th–20th centuries. there were different definitions of land: state land (2400 square fathoms, 1.0925 hectares), economic oblique land (80 × 40 = 3200 square fathoms), economic round land (60 × 60 = 3600 square fathoms), centenary land ( 100 × 100 = 10,000 square fathoms), melon D. (80 × 10 = 800 square fathoms), etc. In connection with the transition in 1918 to metric. system of measures, the use of D. was limited, and since 1927 it was prohibited.

S. I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language. 1986

TENTS, -s, w. Russian unit of land area equal to 2400 square meters. fathoms or 1.09 hectares. || adj. tithe, -aya, -oe.

V. Dahl. Dictionary. 1978

Tithe a tenth of which, one tenth; tax, which is a decimal share of property or income. || Star. district, a certain number of churches and monasteries, under the jurisdiction of the tithe. || Measure of land: government tithe, thirty or forty, length 80 fathoms; across 30, or 60 and 40, i.e. 2400 square. soot; household oblique, home: 80 and 40, i.e. 3200 sq. soot; hundredth, one hundred soots. along and across, 10 t. sq. soot In astrkh. tithe 100 soot. long, 10 diameter, twenty, 20 and 100; melon, 80 and 10 s. Tithe, to tithe, in different meanings. relating. Tithe collection, ten per hundred. Tithe copper, from private Siberian factories, paying taxes to the treasury. Tithe Church, old. built by tithe collection? preeminent in her tithe? Desyatinshchik, south. renter of land from quitrent, farmer. Tener or tener m. old. collector of duties from churches and monasteries, in favor of the bishop's house; the dean's family for their tithe, district; || now, chickens dean, priest, who is entrusted with several churches and parishes. Ten, ten, impose tithe, decimal tax; pay it, give it a tenth. - be subject to decimal tax. Ten Wed. old tithing, ten to a hundred. Tenth Wed. taxing something with tithes and paying for it. Ten Wed. tithing, paying tithes. Tithe the land, divide it into tithes.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Landing area

To save space, plantings are usually located along the fence. If the space left for a garden is in the shade of the house and there is no way to move it to the illuminated side, then you need to choose for planting those plants that have little need for sunlight.

Often a greenhouse is placed on the site, if the territory allows. It allows you to get the harvest earlier and more efficiently.

How to communicate

The location for the well must be selected in accordance with the following rules:

  • If the area is relief, space for the well is left at the highest point of the area. If you neglect this rule, the well will constantly be drowned during floods and rains;
  • If large and old trees grow on the territory, the well is drilled as far as possible from them;
  • The distance from the well to the house is 5 meters. From the septic tank to the well – 25 meters. There is no need to place dog enclosures or outbuildings where animals will be kept near a water source;
  • They are drilling a well with large equipment, so it is necessary to ensure free access to the site for entry.

The place for the septic tank is left at least 2 meters from the neighboring plot and away from the well and your own house. It is necessary to ensure free access to the septic tank for the sewage disposal truck for pumping.

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