The best ways to cool a room in the heat of 2022 without air conditioning and cool yourself down

Already at the end of May, residents of Russia felt that hot days were coming. In the morning we began to wake up earlier, but not because we went to bed earlier, but from the hot rays of the sun heating up our rooms, from the sweat flowing like hail... In general, everything speaks of the approach of summer and the heat that everyone was waiting for and which will soon we will all be so desperate to escape.

The best remedy for heat is air conditioning. More and more Russian apartments can boast of this blessing of civilization. But what to do if there is no air conditioning in the apartment? How to escape the heat? Don't give in to her mercy.

You can find a huge variety of options on the Internet. studied them and selected the four most effective ways that will help you survive without air conditioning even in the most extreme heat.

Questions and Answers How to avoid getting sick from the air conditioner in the office?

Improving the performance of a conventional fan

To fill the room with pleasant coolness, you can build a simple version of a store-bought air conditioner. It installs without much effort, although it will take some time to prepare.

Almost everyone has a fan that will help cool the air quickly. However, to obtain the desired effect, the device needs to be slightly improved.

You need to do the following:

  1. Pre-fill plastic bottles with water.
  2. Place them in the freezer until ice forms.
  3. Install and turn on the fan.
  4. Place bottles of ice in front of him.
  5. Change bottles as needed.

Note: It is important to stay away from the flow of cold air to avoid triggering a cold.


Kirill Munteanu, 32 years old, Krasnodar

Once I was sent on a business trip to Sochi, everything was great, there was not much work, the sea was close, it was more like a vacation. But there was one drawback - the terrible heat, and the room they provided me with no air conditioning. Fortunately, there was a small fan, and we read on the Internet how to cool the air. In front of this fan I simply placed a bowl of cold water and ice, it made life much easier.

Irina Sobol, 33 years old, Orel

I can be called a real expert in air cooling methods, because for many years I fought the heat with improvised means. We already installed an air conditioner last year, and I can tell you that nothing compares to the efficiency of this device. Well, before I constantly ventilated the apartment at night; you can also create a pleasant microclimate with the help of wet towels. If there is no air conditioning, then such cooling methods are also useful.

Alexey Dikan, 42 years old, Kyiv

Of course, such a device cannot be called a full replacement for an air conditioner, but I still want to talk a little about the benefits of an air humidifier. This device is inexpensive, it purifies and humidifies the air, it works quietly, and most importantly, it makes it much easier to tolerate the heat. I can confidently recommend this humidifier, it definitely won’t make things worse, it’s worth a try. As a last resort, you can use the old, but no less effective method - hanging wet towels in the apartment. Well, you need to cover the windows, it’s better to be a little dark in the house than hot.

Ventilate properly

When it’s hot, you want to get as much fresh air as possible, but this is impossible if the thermometer shows more than 30. Accordingly, there is no point in opening the windows during the day, otherwise the effect will be completely opposite.

Ventilation of the house should be done at minimum temperatures, preferably at night. At the same time, you can safely leave the curtains open without fear of the penetration of the scorching rays of the sun. Optimal periods for ventilation:

  • from 4:00 to 8:00;
  • after 22:00.

Systematic ventilation of the room

Creating a constant flow of air can lower the temperature in the room. Remember some points:

  • The lowest temperature is recorded in the time period from 4 to 7 am. It is at this time that it is worth saturating the room with freshness and coolness. If you can’t imagine how you can wake up so early, then open the windows the night before at 22.00-22.30.

  • Ventilation is perhaps the most effective way to cool down, if you don’t break your schedule.
  • If you open the windows at 12-16 o'clock, you will only worsen the situation, because the room will be filled with scalding air.

Which curtains to choose

You can create a comfortable temperature in the room using window curtains, that is, curtains. When choosing them, it is important to take into account one nuance: not all curtains are able to protect from the bright sun, thereby preventing the heating of the air.

The hardest thing is for owners of apartments and houses whose windows face the sunny side. Throughout the day, the rooms warm up to such an extent that staying in them becomes unbearable. Curtain options to create coolness:

  • from blackout or dimout fabrics;
  • linen;
  • light neutral tones;
  • thick curtains with Roman blinds;
  • set of two curtains.

Note: an excellent alternative are light-colored blinds, preferably white ones, which actively reflect sunlight.


How to cool a room in the summer without foil? If you don't want to buy foil and cover your windows with it, you can simply install blinds instead of curtains. How can you cool a room this way? The operating principle of blinds is very simple. During the day, keep them closed, so that 90% of the sunlight will be retained on the thin metal plates of the device.

Thanks to blinds, you will not only cool the room, but also modernize the interior design of your home. But like curtains, they need regular care - at least a couple of times a year they need to be wiped with a means to remove dust and dirt.

Send rugs, carpets and sofa cushions to the closet

Rugs or carpets lying on the floor, thick bedspreads, and sofa cushions quickly absorb heat, which helps maintain high temperatures in the room. Such things are appropriate in the cold season, so it is better to put them away for the summer.

In addition, large quantities of dust settle on carpets, especially in summer. It prevents air circulation and cooling. It is better to free the room from all things that accumulate heat by carefully putting them in the closet (there is no need to throw them away, as many people advise).

Artificial dimming instead of air conditioning

Residents of southern regions have to prepare for the heat more carefully. Very often, in such geographical areas, when the sun is at its zenith, the air heats up to very high temperatures. Then morning and evening ventilation does not allow for proper cooling of the premises. You have to use additional protection from the heat.

Experts advise owners of apartments without air conditioning to cover windows located on the south side with foil for the summer. This is the cheapest way to combat the heat. For the indicated purposes, it is allowed to use ordinary baking foil. You can buy it at any grocery store. Its surface perfectly reflects the sun's rays, preventing them from penetrating into the room and heating the air in it. Sticking it on windows is as easy as shelling pears. To do this you need to use regular tape. If you want to cool a room without air conditioning in this way, you need to remember that the foil does not allow daylight to pass through, so after pasting the rooms will become dark. And the window itself from the outside will not look very decent.

Wet towel

A simple and effective way to reduce the air temperature in your home is to use towels soaked in water. They should be hung near open windows. However, it is not advisable to leave it overnight, otherwise the humidity level will increase significantly.

An alternative is to wrap a wet towel around your head or place it on the back of your neck. You can wrap an ice cube in a towel and then apply it to the area of ​​the body where the pulse is felt. For example, in the wrist area.

Features of installation and operation of a portable cooler without freon

Along with the portable climate control equipment, instructions are supplied containing information on how to install a floor-standing air conditioner that operates without emitting hot air into the street. One of the features is the simple placement of the unit. To do this, you do not need to invite a specialist, whose help is required when installing stationary models. The placement of the device indoors is carried out without obtaining permission for installation, unlike split systems, the external units of which are prohibited from being hung on the facades of some buildings of historical value.

Easy installation of a portable ductless air conditioning unitSource

To take advantage of all the benefits of a portable open air conditioning system, you do not need to do the following:

  • drill the wall structure of the house;
  • secure the external unit;
  • lay a flexible duct outside to remove hot air;
  • connect the condensate drainage hose.

Installing a floor-standing air conditioner without a corrugated ventilation duct involves simply plugging the unit into an electrical outlet. The device is placed on the floor, bedside table or shelf in that part of the room in which it is necessary to reduce the temperature.

The instructions for climate control equipment note that it is important to follow safety rules. After all, a person uses an electrical device

Although portable equipment has a high level of protection against electric shock. An electric kettle is more dangerous than a floor-standing climate control unit.

A floor-standing mobile air conditioner just needs to be plugged into a power outlet. Source

It is also necessary to comply with sanitary standards, because the device contains a water container. The reservoir is in contact with the air. Therefore, bacteria, dust, fungi and other single-celled microorganisms enter the container. They must be disposed of after each operation of the cooling unit using disinfectants. The names of disinfectants are indicated on all packages of climate control units. Manufacturers recommend that tanks in open systems be washed twice with clean water and only then used for filling with working fluid.

Install a ceiling fan

The device with rotating blades is environmentally friendly and promotes natural cooling of the air. Such a device makes virtually no noise, and even at low speeds it moves air masses well.

Typically, ceiling fans have two modes - summer and winter. In hot weather, its blades must rotate counterclockwise so that the air goes up. Also, devices are selected taking into account the size of the room and the height of the ceilings:

  • 30-inch are suitable for rooms up to 4.5 m2;
  • 36-42 inches - 7-9 m2;
  • 52-inch is designed for rooms up to 20 m2;
  • 56 inches - up to 37 square meters.

Note: taking into account the design features of the fans, it is recommended to install them in rooms with a shelf height of at least 2.5 m.

Interesting alternative

It is difficult to cool down without air conditioning and a fan, but there is still an alternative. You can see her in Brazilian TV series. The device is called a ceiling fan. This expensive pleasure (price about 4,000 rubles) is absolutely silent, does not create drafts and does not heat the room with the motor.

Unfortunately, there is no ideal weather. Using the proposed methods, you can cool your living space and increase your level of living comfort in the summer.

Changing (or cooling) bedding

For a comfortable night's sleep, you need to select appropriate bedding. In the summer, you should avoid sets made of fabrics that quickly heat up and prevent the body from breathing.

Preference should be given to lightweight fabrics made from natural fibers. They allow air to pass through perfectly, absorb moisture released by the body and do not cause irritation.

The ideal option for the summer season is bedding from:

  • cotton;
  • flax;
  • natural silk;
  • bamboo;
  • calico;
  • poplin;
  • satin;
  • tencel (eucalyptus wood).

Note: to cool the bed, you can cover it with linen, which should first be kept in the refrigerator.


First, let's find out which mode is optimal for the cellar.

For storing most garden crops, the optimal temperature range is from +1 to +12 degrees. When this value is exceeded, the activity of aerobic bacteria sharply increases, which quickly and efficiently process the richest harvest into a monotonous rotting mass. At temperatures below zero, water begins to crystallize, as a result of which the cell membranes of the fruit are damaged; as a result, they lose their natural taste.

What about humidity? Typically, a range of 80-95 percent is considered optimal. Too dry air will cause fruits and vegetables to quickly evaporate their own moisture; As a result, your reserves will not rot, but will dry out.

Let us clarify: this applies only to those products that are stored open, without sealed containers. When it comes to home canning, a simple rule applies: the lower the humidity in the cellar, the better.

How realistic is it to maintain such a regime in the summer heat?

Sleep without clothes (or in cotton/silk pajamas, as a last resort)

To get a good night's sleep in the hot summer, not only the use of suitable bedding will help, but also the absence of any clothing on the body. The method is suitable in cases where it does not contradict moral principles.

Another option is to wear cotton pajamas. It will absorb the sweat that is released throughout the night and give the body the opportunity to 100% rest. Also comfortable will be sets made of silk, which perfectly absorb moisture and dry quickly.

Method 8: Cool the sheets in the refrigerator

An interesting and long-known method, used in villages. To sleep comfortably even in the heat, you can place the sheets in the refrigerator or freezer and lay them down before going to bed. The sheets can be dry or slightly damp (if it is comfortable to sleep on such linen).

In villages where not everyone had refrigerators, cellars and wells were used as an alternative, where the air temperature was low enough to cool bed linen.

Advice. Sheets can be placed in a bag or pouch if the refrigerator does not have a no frost function.

Turning off the lights when they are not needed (+ replacing light bulbs)

Lighting devices can heat the air in a room in a short time. Therefore, light sources should be used only when there is a need for them. This way you can stay cool and save on electricity.

Another life hack is to replace conventional incandescent lamps with more modern ones. Since the former heat up quickly, increasing the air temperature, it is better to use other types of lamps with a minimum heating level. These are:

  • LED bulbs;
  • fluorescent (luminescent).

Note: it is better to give preference to LED products, especially if there are suspended ceilings.

We save electricity

Any household appliance is a source of heat. For example, a working TV emits enough thermal energy to heat several square meters . Therefore, all unnecessary equipment should be turned off.

Also pay attention to the light bulbs. If the room you need to cool uses incandescent light bulbs, replace them. There are three alternative options:

  • Fluorescent lamps;
  • Energy saving lighting;
  • LED light bulbs.

It is important to drink plenty of water and eat watery fruits

In the heat, the body loses a lot of fluid, so you should take care of its regular supply. Water should be consumed as often as possible in small doses - about 100 ml at a time. The average amount of water per day is 2-3 liters.

Thanks to this, the increased air temperature will be felt less. You can check it yourself...

Vegetables and fruits with a high water content will also help replenish fluid reserves. They can be eaten fresh, or prepared into salads and fresh juices. This way you will be able to avoid dehydration and saturate your body with useful elements.

List of watery foods:

  • watermelons;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • melons;
  • oranges;
  • grapefruits;
  • papaya.

Note: Excessive fluid intake is prohibited for people with cardiovascular and kidney diseases.

Hiding extra things

Items such as blankets, woolen textiles, etc. are recommended to be hidden in a closet. The air temperature drops especially when the carpet is removed from the room. It is the main heat reflector that prevents cold from penetrating from the floor to the rest of the room. You can also remove wall hangings. By the way, if the room is too humid, mold or mildew can form underneath. Therefore, before re-hanging the carpet on the wall, treat the surface with a special antifungal agent.

Application of mirror film for window openings

The main task of mirror films is to protect the room from overheating. This is achieved by inhibiting ultraviolet radiation. Light transmittance indicators depend on the type of film.

Additionally, the reflective film creates the effect of one-way visibility, but it is present only when the light is brighter outside (thus, during the day you cannot see through the window what is happening inside the room).

Types of mirror films:

  • interior and exterior;
  • classic (light, dark) and colored.

Use a humidifier

To make your house or apartment cooler, you can humidify the air. The easiest way to do this is with a spray bottle. First, pour ice water into it, then spray the room every hour and a half.

The best option would be to buy a humidifier. It creates a comfortable climate by saturating the air with microscopic moisture particles. The operating principle of the device depends on its type:

  1. Traditional (steam). Increases humidity by passing air through a filter or water cassette, creating natural evaporation.
  2. Ultrasonic. It works thanks to high-frequency vibrations, is quiet, and is considered safer and more efficient.

Note: some models of ultrasonic devices can operate without refueling for about 24 hours.

Active hydration

The good old method that our grandmothers used. The idea is to humidify the air, and then the apartment will become cooler. How to moisturize? There are many approaches:

  1. the most primitive way is to spray water from a spray bottle. For greater effect, splash with ice water. Don’t get too carried away - repeat the procedure every 1-1.5 hours, otherwise the house will become too damp - you’ll get a steam room effect;
  2. as an option - put a bucket of water, or several. The colder the water, the better;
  3. wet towels and sheets are generally a hit from the past. It all looks strange, but, according to mothers and grandmothers, it works;
  4. a modern variation is an air humidifier. Only in our case will the most classic option be suitable - a humidifier built on natural evaporation. In it, the air regularly passes through a container of water, coming out purified and humidified. Thanks to the built-in fan, the process goes faster. If you pour cold water or even put ice cubes in the container, it will be better. It is also said that by adding lemon and mint essential oils, the refreshing effect will be better.

Does the humidification method work? Partly. Researchers among the people report that in 10 minutes the temperature dropped from 32C to 29C, and this was in the presence of a wet sheet and a bucket of water in the room.

Along with air humidification, local self-humidification is also used. This is a wet towel on the neck, like athletes do. Some say that they really feel better, while others note the unpleasant effect of flowing streams of water.

Turning off unnecessary household appliances

Every home has several types of household appliances. The more often it is used, the faster the temperature increases. Like lighting, appliances should also be turned off or their use minimized.

When it's hot outside, you should cook less often on the stove and in the oven. If you need to heat up food, a microwave comes in handy. It is advisable to turn off electrical appliances at least 2-3 hours before bedtime so that the air has time to cool.

Note: even a TV and a computer generate heat, let alone others (such as a towel dryer).

Kitchen usage schedule


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On hot summer days, try to use the gas stove and oven to a minimum. This significantly increases the air temperature, after which it is simply impossible to stay in the kitchen. Gradually, all the hot air spreads around the entire perimeter of the house, which is extremely undesirable for those who prefer coolness.

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Plant a tree opposite the sunny side (for the long term and if the location allows)

A tree planted near the house will not only decorate the area, but also serve as an obstacle to bright sunlight. Therefore, if the location allows, it is worthwhile to improve the site.

This method will not help now, but on a long-term basis it is a great option.

Where the windows face the sunny side, it is better to plant trees with spreading crowns. The lower branches are trimmed if necessary to ensure normal visibility.

Representatives of coniferous species are considered an excellent option:

  • Siberian pine;
  • blue spruce;
  • juniper;
  • fir.

Note: it is better not to plant fruit trees near windows, since the ripening of fruits will attract insects, which will create unwanted discomfort for the residents of the house.

You can turn on the hood

A hood is a useful device that helps solve air exchange problems. If the house has exhaust ventilation, it can be used to improve the microclimate.

While cooking in the kitchen or after taking a shower, the room is filled with hot steam. To make your stay in the room more comfortable, you should turn on the hood, which will remove some of the fumes.

About climate control

We also try to provide customers with detailed information about our technical solutions. Additional materials are available on our website that reveal the principles of implementing climate control in various rooms:

  • climate control and climate control in a smart home;
  • ventilation control to provide climate control in houses and apartments.

Briefly, the essence of these solutions is that the control system is integrated with heating and cooling systems into one - a unified climate control system. Otherwise, when the heating and air conditioning systems function as two systems, each with its own climate control, they can work against each other at full capacity (one heats the air to its fullest, and the other cools it to its fullest). Those. full climate control is unattainable in this case.

Do wet cleaning more often

In addition to using the above methods, it is necessary to regularly do wet cleaning, which helps reduce the air temperature in the room. If the situation allows, on hot days it is better to clean daily.

If it is not possible, it is worth wiping the surfaces on which dust accumulates with a damp cloth once every 2-3 days and washing the floors. It is important to set aside one day during the week to do a thorough cleaning.

Basic Rules:

  • When wiping dust on surfaces, you need to move from top to bottom;
  • For cleaning, it is better to use cotton or microfiber rags;
  • upholstered furniture should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner;
  • when washing floors, you should start from the far corners, moving towards the entrance;
  • It is better to wash the floors twice - the first time with a disinfectant, the second time with plain water;
  • Corridors and hallways are cleaned last.

Note: if finances allow, regular wet cleaning can be entrusted to specialists from a cleaning company.

Turn everything off

It's no secret that all household appliances emit heat during operation. Even the same refrigerator that is supposed to cool does so only inside itself. It gives off a huge amount of heat outside, which remains in your apartment. Turning off the refrigerator, of course, is an extreme measure, but you can think about minimizing the use of all kinds of vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, curling irons, irons, computers and even televisions.

This advice especially applies to the kitchen, in which, as a rule, the air temperature is several degrees higher than in the rest of the apartment. In hot weather, you should cook less on the fire - this greatly affects the ambient temperature.

You can turn off something else in your apartment. We are talking about a heated towel rail in the bathroom. As a rule, it is connected to a hot water pipe and, in addition to its main function, also serves to heat the bathroom. But when the central heating is turned off, it does not turn off and continues to work all year round. Usually it can be turned off by closing the two valves leading from the riser to the heated towel rail. If there are no such valves in your case, you can try wrapping it in foil. This should prevent heat from the heated towel rail from entering the apartment.

7 rules for surviving extreme heat

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