How to choose garden wheelbarrows: which is better, two-wheeled or one-wheeled?

A construction wheelbarrow is an indispensable assistant on any construction site, be it the construction of an apartment building or any private building. It will help transport goods relatively easily over a short distance, remove garbage, and make the work of workers easier. We present the best construction wheelbarrows in this article. Note that we compiled the top 10 models based on user reviews and ratings posted on popular product aggregator sites. The rating is a recommendation.

What types of cars are there?

All wheelbarrows are divided into 2 types: construction and garden.


Construction wheelbarrows have a large load capacity and are designed for transporting heavy construction materials. The durable frame of the construction wheelbarrow is made of steel and is therefore resistant to corrosion. The cart itself is heavy and large in volume. It is often galvanized. Typically a construction wheelbarrow has 2 or more reinforced wheels. The handle on a construction trolley is often reinforced.


Garden wheelbarrows are simpler in design. The body has a lower load capacity and is often made of lightweight plastic, which is less stable, but sometimes in expensive models the cart is also galvanized. It can be a single-wheeled or two-wheeled lightweight model of small or medium size, with a long handle and optimal maneuverability. The carrying capacity of such a wheelbarrow for the garden is usually less, but the volume is designed for a larger quantity in cubes. These garden carts are designed to transport organic matter, leaves and fertilizers.

Wheelbarrows are also divided into one-wheel and two-wheel models. A one-wheeled wheelbarrow has optimal maneuverability; with one wheel it is more convenient to work on uneven areas and drive into hard-to-reach places in the garden. But there is also a drawback - one wheel is not designed to maintain balance, which is important for wet soil in the garden.

The two-wheeled model of a garden wheelbarrow is equipped with two wheels that are supported on an axle. The heavy and durable steel frame is designed to carry a lot of materials and fertilizers.

It should also be noted that the one-wheeled cart has a large reinforced wheel with bearings, which is not always available in the best two-wheeled models.

Also, garden wheelbarrows are divided into 4 types depending on the shape and capacity of the body cubes.

  1. Models with a rectangular body are usually large devices designed for transporting construction waste or large quantities of firewood and manure;
  2. Carts with a trapezoidal body shape are more convenient in the sense that, thanks to the narrowed front part and 2 wheels, it is more convenient to drive a wheelbarrow to hard-to-reach places in the country;
  3. Garden carts with an oval or round body are usually small. This is the optimal lightweight option, designed for a small garden in a country house when you need to transport a small amount of organic materials in the form of leaves, soil, manure and fertilizers.

Garden wheelbarrows are usually divided according to their body into metal, wood or plastic. Plastic and wood are lighter, but have a shorter service life. While cars with a metal body will last for many years, withstanding heavy loads.


We have outlined the main criteria for choosing a car, so now you just need to choose the right variety.

  1. For a small plot of 6–10 acres, a compact and maneuverable one-wheeled model with an average load capacity of 80 kg is suitable.
  2. If you have an area of ​​10–25 acres, a two- or four-wheeled option will come in handy, since the paths here are wider. And you will have to carry more luggage, so you will need a device designed for an increased load of at least 130 kg.
  3. For reputable farms, where the cart will be an assistant in both gardening and construction, it is better to take a two-wheeled reinforced or four-wheeled model that can withstand up to 200 kg.

I hope this information will help you navigate and make the right decision. Don't forget to leave your comments and subscribe to updates. See you later!

What to look for when choosing

In addition to the listed subtleties, when choosing a wheelbarrow for the garden, you should pay attention to several more features. Which cart is better?

  1. When choosing the volume of a wheelbarrow body, remember that you have to transport not only bulk materials for which this volume is oriented, but also large branches. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase a device, albeit a small one, but with greater capacity;
  2. Pay attention to the quality of the wheels. Wheelbarrows with wheel axles on bearings have proven themselves to be excellent - it is convenient to work with them both on the plain and on bumps. The larger the wheel diameter, the higher the depreciation;
  3. Immediately try to see if it is comfortable to hold the handles. It is better when a person can fit freely between the two handles, and the presence of rubber attachments will make working in the garden easier;
  4. If you plan to transport different materials, then it is better to choose a wheelbarrow with a steel body for a larger load, equipped with two large wheels. At the same time, check that the durable frame is reinforced;
  5. When buying a wheelbarrow for working in the garden, pay attention to the manufacturer: well-known manufacturers produce high-quality products.

Focusing on such parameters will help you choose the right garden wheelbarrow for yourself.

The volume of a garden wheelbarrow, wheels and body material are not all that need to be taken into account before choosing a wheelbarrow for the site. Only an integrated approach and weighing all the pros and cons will help you determine which car is better.


A very important characteristic that you should pay special attention to if your site is not very large or there is no room for storing equipment. It is necessary to calculate the width of the paths, the size of the openings at the gates and the free space in the barn where the cart will be stored.

Based on the data obtained, you should choose a wheelbarrow of suitable size. Moreover, they come in both small and large, wide and narrow. In general, there is somewhere to roam.

Construction wheelbarrow: one-wheeled or two-wheeled - which is better?

A garden two-wheeled wheelbarrow is one of the indispensable assistants in the country, when working on a plot of land. Note that the choice of garden wheelbarrows is now large, so those who want to purchase this equipment will first have to find out the pros and cons of its various types before deciding to purchase.

We will make the task easier for our readers, and in the article we will tell you about all the features of two-wheeled garden wheelbarrows, find out how they differ from single-wheeled ones, and whether there are any advantages. We will also provide an overview of the most popular and high-quality models of wheelbarrows offered by modern manufacturers.

Where to begin

How to choose? The first thing you should think about if you decide to buy a cart is the purpose for which the inventory was needed.

  • If the cart will be used at the dacha, for building a house or barn, or arranging a gazebo, then it is worth buying a construction wheelbarrow.
  • If a vehicle is needed to transport fertilizers, soil, plants, and so on, then the choice is obvious. Need a garden.

This is an obvious fact, but beginners may forget about it. It seems to them that there is no difference between these species. And it exists and is very significant.

After determining the type of cart, you need to study the reviews. It’s difficult to make a purchase in a store or online because your eyes are overwhelmed by the number of products. New models appear very quickly. It is difficult to compare characteristics and look for a suitable option. You can talk to friends or neighbors in the area. They will tell you what they use and voice the disadvantages of their model.

Which car is better: two-wheeled or one-wheeled

The most popular and most frequently purchased models of garden wheelbarrows are single-wheeled and two-wheeled - each model has its own pros and cons, let's look at these important nuances in more detail.

You should also learn more about what the best hedges are and what plants are worth making them from.

Single wheel

The main advantage of these products is their maneuverability. A one-wheeled wheelbarrow will pass even the most difficult, uneven ground and is suitable for areas of limited size.

Note, however, that one wheel often gets stuck in the soil, so this option can be very inconvenient for unstable, loose soil. All the effort falls on the one who pushes the wheelbarrow, so it is very difficult to control this device on viscous soil.

Typically, a one-wheeled wheelbarrow is purchased for transporting light loads. This device is not very stable.

You may also be interested in information on how to get rid of moss in your garden.


In this case, the opposite is true: the wheelbarrow becomes less maneuverable, however, it does not get stuck in the ground, and therefore is suitable for use on loose soil. This device is much easier to move than a single-wheeled one. In addition, a product with two wheels is more stable and reliable.

A two-wheeled wheelbarrow has a greater carrying capacity and can be used to transport large and heavy loads. The device, however, takes up more space, so it is difficult to operate it in small areas or move it along winding, narrow paths.

You may also be interested in information about how an electric hedge trimmer is used.

Rating of the best gardening and construction trolleys for 2021


Belamos 457Р

A wheelbarrow can make the work of any gardener easier. This is a great option for both your home and your summer cottage. Every gardener knows how difficult it is to move heavy soil, grass or fertilizer from one part of the plot to another. This is exactly why this model was developed. It is characterized by maneuverability and low weight.

The design is balanced by two supports that prevent the device from tipping over during loading. Can be used not only on uneven soil, but also raised onto small curbs. Pneumatic tires provide a smooth ride.

This option is incredibly easy to use, so it is suitable even for beginners who have never used garden tools.

Reliable protection is provided by a galvanized body. Thanks to this feature, the wheelbarrow can be used for a long time. It will not rust or fade.

Weight – 7.41 kg. Length – 66 cm, width – 60 cm, height – 110 cm. Average cost – 1600 rubles.

Belamos 457Р trolley


  • Ease of operation;
  • Smooth ride;
  • Light weight;
  • Reliable protection;
  • Convenient movement;
  • Versatility;
  • Two comfortable supports;
  • Reliability;
  • Galvanized body;
  • An excellent option for beginners.


  • Not found.

Helex H809

Helex H809 will be an excellent household assistant. The model is intended for everyday use. It will help you cope with work in the country or in the house much faster. Several in a small size can transport a load of up to 50 kg at a time.

Since high quality plastic was used in production, the wheelbarrow is durable. The device does not rust and is very easy to care for. Such a car will decorate any area.

There is a built-in handle that provides excellent maneuverability. Transferring leaves or fertilizer will no longer be a problem. It is much faster to do this with a wheelbarrow than by hand.

Load capacity – 50 kg. Capacity – 65 liters. Length – 59.5 cm, width – 49.5 cm, height – 87 cm. Average cost – 2000 rubles.

trolley Helex H809


  • Appearance;
  • Copes with its task;
  • Durability;
  • Price;
  • Does not bend;
  • Pen;
  • Does not rust;
  • Lightweight wheels.


  • Not found.

Fit 77555

You can do without a garden cart, but it greatly simplifies work on the site. This is an excellent summer option, which is reliable and light weight. Fit 77555 is a professional gardening tool that can withstand heavy loads.

This device is suitable for use even by fragile girls and teenagers. Weight is significantly less than detailed options. The cart is incredibly easy to operate because one wheel is easy to turn when needed.

The frame is cast, so the cart is durable. The pneumatic inflatable wheel ensures maneuverability.

Fit 77555 is the clear leader and is popular among gardeners. This option is suitable even for beginners who do not understand the intricacies of caring for the site.

Load capacity – 140 kg. Volume – 65 liters. Wheel diameter – 13. Average cost – 3000 rubles.

trolley Fit 77555


  • High strength cast frame;
  • Light weight;
  • Durability;
  • Rubberized handles;
  • Sturdy body;
  • Convenient to use;
  • Maneuverability;
  • For heavy loads.


  • Low strength.


BISON 39901

This construction trolley is equipped with one wheel, but this does not in any way affect its ease of use. The bowl is made of high quality aluminum, so the equipment will last for more than one year. The thickness is only 1 millimeter, which makes the cart lightweight. That is why many construction teams prefer this option. The frame is resistant to heavy loads.

This option is in excellent demand in most stores.

Load capacity – 180-200 kg. The volume is 90 l. Wheel diameter - 35 cm. Average price - 2900 rubles.

trolley ZUBR 39901


  • Good load capacity;
  • Housing protection;
  • Reinforced body;
  • Capacity;
  • Steel pipe;
  • Light weight;
  • Can work with heavy loads;
  • Pneumatic rubber wheel;
  • Strength.


  • Not found.

Sibrtech 68936

Sibrteh 68936 is a universal wheelbarrow that can be used at a construction site or in the garden. It is highly durable, so you can easily transport heavy loads that cannot be carried manually. This is an excellent option for the home, because at any time you may need to move soil, sand or fertilizer.

Two wheels ensure ease of operation. The steel is painted to protect against corrosion. This is what ensures the durability of the material. To make it convenient to use Sibrtech, there are plastic linings on the handles. They help to securely hold this model.

Load capacity is 320 kg. Volume – 100 l. The average price is 2600 rubles.

trolley Sibrteh 68936


  • Affordable price;
  • Durability;
  • Versatility;
  • Strength.


  • Wall thickness – 0.7 mm.

How to choose

Let's find out the main points that you need to keep in mind when purchasing a two-wheeled garden wheelbarrow.

Load capacity

This criterion is one of the most important. Manufacturers indicate the load capacity in kilograms. As a rule, this figure ranges from 60 to 150 kg. What is above are already products intended more for construction work. It is worth keeping in mind that the higher the load capacity, the less maneuverable and easy to operate the wheelbarrow becomes, and the lower this indicator, the less profitable the purchase becomes in principle.

The product's own weight should not be more than 35 kg, otherwise it will be very difficult to manage. Ideal - 15-25 kg.

Basically, the cart is selected to suit the needs of the proposed landscaping work in the courtyard of a private house.


This indicator is indicated in liters. As a rule, garden wheelbarrows have a capacity of 60 to 120 liters - and this is quite enough to achieve the necessary goals. Construction models have a larger capacity - from 120 to 140 liters. Read about telescopic pruners for pruning tall trees in this material.

In the video - how to choose a garden two-wheeled wheelbarrow:


Large, wide wheelbarrow wheels are the key to the product’s maneuverability. The optimal disc diameter is 35-45 cm. Note that wheelbarrows with pneumatic wheels with an inflatable inner chamber have now become especially popular.

Such wheels give the wheelbarrow increased maneuverability: the device can drive even on viscous, loose, uneven ground.


It is more convenient to use a wheelbarrow equipped with two parallel handles. This product is easy to hold and maneuver.

When purchasing, make sure that the handle grip has a bend: this condition will ensure ease of use and prevent your hands from twisting. This link will tell you about a self-propelled petrol mower.

It is important that the frame design is reliable - this is the key to the stability and strength of the entire product. Frames made of solid steel pipes are now considered the most reliable. However, products with bent-welded frames are also available for sale - and are quite suitable for garden work.

Make sure that the frame fits securely and tightly to the body on all sides. This way the body will have reliable support.


The shape of this part can be of two types:

The first form allows you to easily unload the device, and the second allows you to efficiently and accurately place the cargo inside. For garden work, the best choice would be a product with a body sloping at the front and a flat bottom.


It is best to purchase a product made of high-quality galvanized steel. The top coating will prevent rust and damage from moisture. It is recommended to purchase a unit with a steel wall thickness of 0.8 to 1.5 mm - such a product will be of the highest quality and most reliable. Read about cordless shrub shears here.

On sale you can find products with bodies made of wood or plastic. The first option is environmentally friendly, but it will require more careful care; the second option is lighter than steel, but less stable and reliable. Plastic devices are not used for moving heavy loads, but are optimal for transporting fallen leaves, dry soil, and light debris.


What would you choose or recommend?

FIT 77556

4.48 % ( 3 )

FIT Pro 77612

14.93 % ( 10 )

Sibrtech 689633

0.00 % ( 0 )

PRO-110MMU reinforced

19.40 % ( 13 )

AL-KO 100G

1.49 % ( 1 )

ENKI DKT-101 reinforced

14.93 % ( 10 )

Stroymash two-wheeled 320 kg

8.96 % ( 6 )

PRO-2K MU reinforced

13.43 % ( 9 )

ENKI PRO-2k-P reinforced

14.93 % ( 10 )


Let's take a closer look at several of the most popular models of garden two-wheeled wheelbarrows.


This product has a favorable price and quite decent quality. The galvanized steel body is very reliable. The wheelbarrow can carry up to 80 kg of cargo, capacity - 85 liters. Large pneumatic wheels can move even on the most uneven and difficult surfaces.

Note that the distance between the wheels is only half a meter, so this product can easily maneuver even on narrow garden paths.

Tsunami WB 120D (1830 RUR)

The wheelbarrow can be adapted for both gardening and construction work. Load capacity - 120 kg. The wheels are bearing, large and stable. Product made in China.

Sibrtech (RUB 2,104)

The product can be used both for gardening work and for transporting construction materials and garbage. It is distinguished by its lightness and increased maneuverability. The body is made of galvanized steel and has rounded, safe sides that prevent scratches or injury.

The load capacity of this product is 90 kg, capacity is 65 liters. The wheels are pneumatic with internal inflatable chambers, so the product is passable and stable. The device is well balanced, so it behaves reliably when transporting goods.

Green yes (RUB 2,496)

This product has two wheels and is designed specifically for gardening. The unit has a galvanized steel body, protected from external influences. The product can withstand a load of 120 kilograms.

The wheelbarrow is maneuverable and moves easily even on very uneven surfaces.

You may also be interested in information about what the landscape design of a small plot might be like.


This high-quality product boasts a reinforced steel body that is durable and reliable. The body is galvanized, so it is not afraid of moisture.

The device is suitable for both gardening and construction work. Large inflatable wheels give the product maneuverability and stability. This wheelbarrow is not afraid of dirt, sand and loose soil - it will go anywhere.

It is also worth learning more about what types of pond landscaping exist.

So, we found out what features a two-wheeled garden wheelbarrow has, and got acquainted with the most popular models of these useful devices. You can’t do without a wheelbarrow when working in your garden plot - this indispensable device will help you bring in fertilizers, remove seedlings and weeds from the plot, and move the harvest into the house. Choose a car based on considerations of practicality, reliability and maneuverability - and our recommendations will help you with your choice. Read about the rating of gasoline lawn mower models and which one is better here.


Many domestic and foreign companies are engaged in the production of wheelbarrows. But not all of them can provide decent quality of their products. To make it easier to navigate brands, we present to your attention a rating of the ten best equipment manufacturers (they are arranged in alphabetical order in the list).

  1. AL-KO.
  2. Belamos.
  3. FIT.
  4. Grinda.
  5. Keter.
  6. Masterado.
  8. Zubr.
  9. SIBIN.
  10. SibrTech.

For an overview of wheelbarrows from various manufacturers, watch the video:

Why is a one-wheeled garden wheelbarrow better than a two-wheeled one? Personal experience

Every experience is useful. Even if it doesn’t seem like it right away. Many years ago, a neighbor auntie I knew asked me to take my belongings to the dacha. Upon arrival, it turned out that we still needed to help “do something in the garden.” It was then that I had to deal with such a seemingly simple device as a garden wheelbarrow . There is no doubt that this is a very useful thing for homestead farming. The main thing is to choose it correctly. I invite you to read the instructive story and conclusions that were drawn.

It’s very good that we’re still feeling bad! But then.

You know how it happens. Once you help out of kindness, twice, and then it seems like you become obligated. This is exactly the situation that took place in my case. The neighbor aunt mentioned above decided that day to use the surging happiness in the form of free labor to the fullest. After we arrived at the place and unloaded the dacha belongings (the car sighed with relief), it turned out that it would not be possible to go straight back to the city.

It was planned to rearrange, move, move some things on the site. Then it was necessary to bring a dozen buckets of sand, a couple of dozen manure from somewhere, and haul water into the tank. In a word, the pack horse in my person had every chance of not lasting until sunset. However, I also had no moral right to die on the boundary. In the evening I had to take my spontaneous employer home with the promise of feeding me a good dinner.

At first I set to work with student fervor, but very soon I realized that at this rate I would not make it until the evening. And it was then that a garden wheelbarrow , aimlessly chilling on a neighbor’s property, came into my field of vision. The neighbor himself was also present at this, but he was doing such work that he clearly did not need the wheelbarrow. He whitewashed the trunks of apple trees.

Then a great plan matured in my head. For a couple of good bottles of beer, I borrowed a vehicle in the hope of easing my backbreaking hard labor. According to my calculations, using a cart, I could finish all the work in an hour and a half, and then take a walk through the forest, in the vicinity of which there was a neighbor’s dacha. Alas, the rosy plans were not destined to come true. You'll never guess why.

It was just a two-wheeled cart. I somehow didn’t think about the fact that the paths along which I had to travel were quite narrow. And if one wheel rode along them, then the second always strived to follow “dug up”, “planted” and other places where the mere thought of the movement of wheeled vehicles was considered blasphemous. As a result, after paying two bottles of beer to rent the cart, I was never able to use it.

Because I dared to slightly crush a couple of beds and break a branch near a currant bush, I was given a severe reprimand and given the strictest order to “immediately do everything as it was.” I eliminated the consequences of my outrageous behavior by lamenting about modern youth, for whom, it seems, nothing is sacred at all.

Of course, it was impossible to even think about a good dinner. Quite coldly saying goodbye to me at the entrance, the strict auntie said that she would never ask me for anything again.

General information about types and purposes

The main purpose of a garden wheelbarrow, or cart, as it is often called, is to transport various loads. As a rule, bulk, medium-sized and bulk. This device is distinguished by its small size. Often it has one or two wheels. Weight is about 9-10 kilograms, although you can find models weighing 13-15 kilograms. If the wheelbarrow is a garden wheelbarrow, then it is usually used to perform the following tasks:

  • transportation of various bulk materials - earth, peat, and so on;
  • transportation of planting materials;
  • removal of various garbage, as well as sawdust, leaves, waste;
  • transportation of fruits and vegetables from the place of collection to the place of storage;
  • transportation of small garden tools.

One of its features is the presence of a body in the shape of a cube or trapezoid. In the case of a trapezoid, it is more convenient to unload the contents. Simply lift the trolley handles up. If the body is cubic, then placing the load in the cart will be quite convenient. The choice of cart material is quite important, since it will come into contact with various chemicals - the same fertilizers, be influenced by natural factors, and so on.

To prevent it from quickly becoming rusty, it is better to choose models made either from galvanized steel or from another material, but which is treated with powder-based paint.

Another feature of a garden wheelbarrow will be the frame it uses. If the model has a load capacity of up to 100 kilograms, then either welded-bent type frames or solid tube solutions can be used. The frame must have strong supports so that it stands on the ground as stable as possible. The last point applies more to single-wheeled models, but if the model is on two wheels, this will also not be superfluous.

To make the car stronger, it may also have stiffening ribs that strengthen the walls and bottom of the body.

How I bought a garden wheelbarrow

Only one wheel! No other options! It is very comfortable. Excellent maneuverability, the ability to drive along narrow paths and pass between puddles. In a word, in most cases one wheel is much better than two and, especially, four.

There is a widespread belief that a one-wheeled car is less convenient because it always tends to tip over. It's all nonsense! What about you? Hold tight and everything will be fine.

They also say that a two-wheeled wheelbarrow is more lifting than a one-wheeled one. This is partly true, but, as the instructions for my cart say, it can transport 180 kilograms . That is, myself, my wife, etc. no, my son has already grown up. Then our two more cats with a cat. However, it has not yet been possible to verify this in practice.

Do you really need more carrying capacity ? Let me remind you that we are talking about a garden wheelbarrow, not a construction wheelbarrow. Will you be transporting loads weighing 200-300 kilograms in your garden? I doubt it very much.

The strength of the trough is a completely different matter. This is the part where loads are poured and placed. It’s just that when we were choosing a car, we first wanted to buy it cheaper - for 1099 rubles. But, having assessed the thickness of the metal from which the trough is made, we decided not to skimp and take the one that is more expensive - for 1999.

This is what the rack of garden wheelbarrows looked like in the OBI store. Products are sold here in disassembled form and you need to be very careful to take all the necessary parts on the one hand and, on the other, not take anything extra.

Keep in mind that if you forget to immediately take a part, you will not be able to come to the store and simply take it from the rack. In front of me, one gentleman complained that he forgot to pick up the package with mounting bolts. I don’t know how things ended with him, but the store employees were not inclined to immediately give him what he was missing.

If you are in doubt about what exactly you need to take and in what quantity, it is better to ask the seller.

They also sell spare wheels for garden wheelbarrows . You can buy it right away, or later when you need it. The cost of the pleasure is 650 rubles (at the time of writing). Unfortunately, the remaining parts are not sold separately. So you have to treat the new thing with care.


Hard work. They got used to it. It is considered the norm when it comes to work on a personal plot. For decades, our parents and grandparents worked hard to grow vegetables and fruits for their families. Today, many of us follow their example, and the heavy burden of gardening work literally falls on our shoulders. On the site, in addition to the harvest, you constantly have to carry something: fertilizers, weeds, cut branches, garbage, crushed stone, building materials. Every day, this is moved several times by hand - either in buckets, or on a stretcher, or simply by hand. By evening, my back and arms are so tired that it feels like I’ve been working as a loader all day. Then you definitely need a garden wheelbarrow! This is a real find for a gardener who spends a long time working on his plot, improving it. You no longer have to carry heavy loads on yourself - just put the load in a wheelbarrow and drive it around the site. It's easy, fast, convenient! You can transport from 80 to 100 kg at a time. Count how many times you will have to go with the bucket. Stop working the old fashioned way - value your work and your health. Buy a garden wheelbarrow, and you will be able to devote more time to caring for plants, and you will be much less tired. Which one to choose? At first glance, it may seem that everything is the same: the trough, the wheels and the frame that holds everything. However, the models, although they have a similar design, still differ, and not only in size. What else? And then what parameters should you use to make a choice? Let's look at the main aspects, and after that you can decide which garden wheelbarrow to buy for you.

Assembling a garden wheelbarrow

My specific option consists of the following parts:

Only 4 positions. The main thing is not to forget anything when purchasing. Here is the frame and wheel:

It would be a good idea to use rubber gaskets when connecting metal parts. They are not included in the kit, but you can cut them out of some unnecessary elastic. For example, we used an old tube from an inflatable cheesecake sled, which happily burst last winter.

Having cut the required number of gaskets, we used them during assembly. Such a soft connection protects the hardware from peeling paint and subsequent rusting. And there will be less noise when moving.

Of course, they could have been cut more accurately and aesthetically. But we decided not to complicate the process. The main thing is that the pieces of iron do not rub against each other.

Later, during operation, it turned out that the rubber gaskets seal the connections well, turning the cart into an excellent trough for liquid. It almost never spills out through the mounting holes. Thus, a certain amount of water can be brought in the wheelbarrow trough. For example, for watering. The trough capacity stated in the instructions is 100 liters. But this is not true if you fill it to the brim. In principle, you can pour it, but as for delivering it, I’m afraid there will be problems with that. But if you fill half a trough, you can deliver water with virtually no loss.

A wheelbarrow that holds water is convenient if you need to wash or soak something. For example, work gloves or some rags. Or car mats. You can't take them home to the washing machine. We also pour water into the cart and use it as an ordinary trough. It's really convenient.

In general, assembling a garden wheelbarrow is not particularly difficult. We finished it in about twenty minutes. A special feature of our particular model is the ability to stand not only horizontally, but also vertically without any supports. This is convenient for drying and for winter storage in the barn.

But our cart also has a drawback. The metal supporting parts are not protected in any way. We peeled off the paint on the asphalt on the first day. We have to come up with something, otherwise rust will set in, and then holes will be just around the corner. It was possible to tighten some kind of elastic band or something like that in advance. And even before the paint was torn off. In the future we will be smarter and you should also keep this in mind.

Step-by-step instruction

We will devote this section to step-by-step instructions for creating a two-wheeled wheelbarrow for the garden with a frame made of metal corners and a profile pipe.

For independent work you will need the following set of materials:

  • sheet metal 1 mm thick;
  • two wheels;
  • a solid, non-hollow blank pipe 20 mm wide for making an axle;
  • corners and profile pipes; welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • tape measure and tap;
  • set of bolts and nuts.

First of all, you should take care of creating the axis. We cut it to the required length, and in the end parts we cut out threads for the bolt. Due to it, you can hold the wheels on the front side.

As for the limiter on the inside, we use a washer here. Carefully weld it to the inside of the axle. We seat the wheel on bearings.

A frame should be welded onto a manufactured pair of wheels for a wheelbarrow, followed by a body. Making a frame is not difficult. We take 32x32 mm corners and cut them into rectangle shapes. The lower form should be smaller than the upper one. It will be possible to secure the parts together using metal jumpers.

The bottom rectangle should be re-strengthened. To do this, we use two flat profile pipes. Due to them, the weight of the entire box is retained, which means the bottom is supported.

The next step in the instructions on how to make a garden wheelbarrow with your own hands involves collecting and welding the handles. It is recommended to make them H-shaped. For correct bending, it is necessary to clearly weld two pipes, then heat them to give the desired look. Then separate and weld to the rear area of ​​the frame.

The next step is welding the axle. Due to a slight shift of its central part back, the front part of the wheelbarrow lowers on its own. This is necessary for easy cargo transportation.

The last thing left to do is to cut out the sheet metal pieces and attach them to the frame using a welding machine. If desired, the garden wheelbarrow can be painted in the desired color.

Now you know how to make a wheelbarrow for the garden and what material is best to choose for this. Remember that in the household it is better to use items that are resistant to adverse external factors. In case of high humidity, the material of the cart will remain intact and unharmed.

Is it worth buying a car?

If you lead an active country life or even live in a village, then a wheelbarrow will help solve many problems. You can use it to transport garbage to containers, transfer grass left after the lawn mower, I already wrote about water for irrigation. If you don’t have, say, a sector or oscillating sprinkler, then carrying water in a watering can will be a bit difficult. But if you use a wheelbarrow, then everything becomes much easier.

We also used a wheelbarrow in winter when building a snow slide. There was little snow this winter; we had to collect it from the entire area. The garden wheelbarrow saved us from having to carry snow on ourselves. Working with her was much easier.

In conclusion, I would like to once again emphasize the advantage of a one-wheeled car . It is much more maneuverable and allows you to drive along the narrowest path without disturbing the landscape design. The only place where it stalls is on fresh arable land. Otherwise, the thing is very convenient. I recommend.

Sources: https://

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