Effective soundproofing of a toilet: materials and installation process

Apartments built at the end of the last century, as a rule, do not have a very convenient arrangement of rooms. The bathroom is located too close to the kitchen or living room, which often brings some inconvenience for household members. The noise of water flowing into the bathroom or the flushing of the toilet tank can not only turn you away from eating, but also simply create discomfort. The only solution to this problem will be high-quality sound insulation of the bathroom and toilet.


To perform high-quality soundproofing of a bathroom, it is first of all important to take into account the features of this room. Bathrooms and toilets are rooms with high humidity, and it is important to remember this when choosing soundproofing materials. When working with a bathroom, in addition to soundproofing, you must do waterproofing, only in this case your work will be completed for a long time.

When planning soundproofing of a bathroom, it is also important to take into account the parameters of the room. In some houses, the bathtub and toilet are combined in a small room, which forces the use of thin insulating materials. When the bathroom has large dimensions and there is room to spread out, then with the use of modern insulating materials it will be possible to do everything in the best possible way.

Important! Soundproofing a bathroom must be carried out comprehensively, from waterproofing to finishing, since the room has high humidity.

How to soundproof a bathroom correctly

The first thing you need to take into account is the peculiarity of such a room - high humidity. It is important to remember this when purchasing soundproofing materials. In addition to insulating various surfaces from noise, it is imperative to make high-quality waterproofing in the bathroom. Only in this case will the completed repair last a long time.

Additionally, it is worth considering room parameters. If the toilet and bath are combined in a small room, it is advisable to use thin insulating building materials. Large bathrooms provide the opportunity to use any variety of high-quality modern materials, which means soundproofing the toilet in the best possible way.

Important! Due to the high level of humidity, soundproofing a bathroom must be carried out comprehensively: work should begin with waterproofing and end with finishing.

Waterproofing a bathroom includes treating the floor and walls in areas with high levels of humidity Source vanna-prosto.ru

Leading manufacturers of soundproofing for floors

On the domestic market of building materials in the segment of soundproofing products, products of foreign and Russian companies are sold, the most popular among users are:

  • "MaxForte", "TechnoNikol", "TechnoSonus" and "AcousticGroup" (Russia);
  • "WolfBavaria (Germany);
  • "Texdecor" (France);
  • "Rockwool" (Denmark);
  • "Mappy" (Italy);
  • "IsoverEcophon" (Sweden - Finland);

There is always the opportunity to choose the right material in the right price range and in accordance with the purpose and nature of use

How to soundproof a toilet with your own hands

Cotton wool (basalt, mineral) is well suited as a sound-proofing building material for wet rooms. It does not absorb moisture and is protected from the development of fungus and mold.

If the dimensions of the bathroom do not allow the use of frame sound insulation, it is recommended to use thinner soundproofing membranes. The finishing of the frame can be done with moisture-resistant plasterboard. It contains special additives, so it is not at all afraid of water.

Soundproofing work should begin from the riser. The sounds of sewerage drainage and structural noise can often be heard from it. During housing construction, soundproofing of such a pipe is done occasionally. Often it is simply sealed with cement mortar.


  • Remove the layer of cement from the surface of the riser.
  • Wrap the prepared section of the pipe (preferably from the floor to the ceiling) with vibration-proof tape.
  • Fill the lower part of the tube with cement mortar and wait until it dries.

Noise Removal

Before eliminating noise, it is necessary to determine its cause. If noise causes resonance of the collector or impacts of the collector on the ceiling, it is enough to install 1-2 additional fasteners on the pipe. If the noise is caused by the thin walls of a plastic pipe, it is necessary to wrap them with soundproofing material, cover them with a soundproofing panel, and install thick-walled plastic or cast iron pipes.

To eliminate noise from excessive (improper) ventilation, contact the management company. Serious intervention in the sewer system will be required, so specialists must work.

Sewer pipe fastening with sound insulation

Video description

How to soundproof a sewer riser.

Soundproofing of a toilet riser is carried out only after a detailed consideration of the causes of extraneous sounds Source static.tildacdn.com

When soundproofing a bathroom, it is important to install high-quality doors. Even ordinary veneered ones will do if all the cavities inside the structure are filled with construction foam and mineral wool. You can perform this procedure yourself or use the services of specialists. In any case, you will have to disassemble the door.

Externally, soundproofed doors are similar to standard ones, but inside they are layers of soundproofing material Source doors777.ru

The flooring needs sound and waterproofing. To implement the latter, you can use bitumen mastics containing rubber. In order to vibration-proof the floor of the bathroom, it is possible to make a simple screed, then cover it with tiles.

Base requirements

Soundproofing material performs several functions at once. It absorbs noise, creates steam, hydro, and heat insulation and eliminates floor vibration. To achieve the desired effect, it is important to seal the gaps correctly.

The base, that is, the screed under the tiles, is carried out using several methods:

  • laying plywood boards;
  • pouring concrete;
  • slab flooring.

Pouring concrete is the simplest option. A screed made of oriented strand boards requires the creation of a damping gasket, as well as sheathing made of boards or profiles. The plywood version is laid with membranes in several layers, which is more expensive.


To make a quality soundproofing of a bathroom, you need to choose the right insulating building materials. Today there is a huge variety of them. Therefore, choosing the most suitable products is not difficult at all. If difficulties arise during the selection process, you should contact specialists for help or use the services of a consultant at a hardware store.

Under tiles

In the toilet, soundproofing of the floor base must be done simultaneously with reliable waterproofing. In this case, it is allowed to use the following building materials:

  • bitumen mastic;
  • special impregnation;
  • hydrobarrier;
  • soundproofing membrane.

In addition, it is possible to use floating floor technology. It involves laying an insulating layer under the screed. Despite the fact that such sound insulation is quite effective, it is used only occasionally for the bathroom.

Before laying tiles on the flooring, it must be treated with a sound-proofing sealant or a special adhesive composition. Waterproofing the resulting seams will extend the life of the floor and will prevent the appearance of mold and the development of bacteria at the joints. It is quite possible to carry out such work on your own, without involving professionals.

Ceramic tiles are a popular floor covering in the bathroom, which is characterized by high strength, wear resistance, practicality in maintenance and cleaning Source chudopol.ru

Prices at which you can buy TecSound

Unit measurements Retail price rub. per piece Wholesale price rub. per piece
Tecsound 35, Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Roll material roll (8m*1.22m*1.8mm) 9.76m211750on request
Tecsound 50, Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Roll material roll (6m*1.22m*2.6mm) 7.32m29830on request
Tecsound 70, Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Roll material roll (5m*1.22m*3.8mm) 6.1m210190on request
Tecsound 100, Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Sheet material sheet (1m*1.2m*4.2mm)to orderon request
Tecsound SY35 (Tecsound SY 35), Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Self-adhesive roll material roll (8m*1.22m*1.8mm) 9.76m213650on request
Tecsound SY50 (Tecsound SY 50), Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Self-adhesive roll material roll (1.22m×6.05m×2.6mm) 7.32m211550on request
Texaund SY 50 AL Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Self-adhesive roll material with foil coating roll 1.2m x 6m x 2.7mm (7.2m²) 6.6m211850on request
Tecsound SY70 (Tecsound SY 70), Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Self-adhesive roll material roll (1.22m×5m×3.7mm) 6.1m211550on request
Tecsound SY100 (Tecsound SY 100), Synthetic soundproofing membrane. Self-adhesive sheet material sheet (1m*1.2m*4.2mm)to orderon request
Tecsound FT55AL (Tecsound FT55AL), Synthetic soundproofing membrane with felt coating on one side and on the outside covered with a reinforcing aluminum filmroll (5.5×1.20m*15mm) 6.6m216000on request
Tecsound FT40, membrane with felt coating on one sideroll (6m*1.22m*12mm)to orderon request
Tecsound FT55, membrane with felt coating on one sideroll (1.2m×6m×14mm) 6.6m213100on request
Tecsound FT75, membrane with felt coating on one sideroll (5.5m*1.22m*15mm) 6.6m214190on request
Tecsound 2FT80 (Tecsound 2FT80), membrane with felt coating on both sidesroll (1.2m×5.5m×24mm) 6.6m218400on request
Tecsound S BAND 50 - self-adhesive soundproofing taperoll (6m*0.05m*3.7mm)650on request
Glue for Texand8kg canister3100on request

Retail prices recommended by the manufacturer. Discounts available! Texaund is always in our warehouses. Prices are current as of 06/01/2020 Prices vary depending on the exchange rate on the delivery date.

Delivery costs in Moscow and Russia

Video description

Soundproofing the ceiling. Installation of soundproofing suspended ceiling.

On the floor

To finish the flooring in the bathroom, it is best to use ordinary tiles. Thanks to its porous base (on the reverse side), it is able to absorb extraneous sounds. After installing the tile products, it is recommended to lay a rug on top. It will add attractiveness to the room and provide additional sound insulation.

Combined protection

High-quality soundproofing of a bathroom will only be achieved if the walls, ceiling, flooring, and doors are properly insulated. The latter should not allow any sounds or annoying noises to pass through at all. Only an integrated approach to solving such a problem will help achieve high-quality results.

Today there is a huge assortment of various soundproofing materials on sale that make it possible to carry out sound insulation in accordance with all technological requirements, with maximum benefit. If you create a project correctly, then all the work can be done quickly and efficiently, without turning to professionals.

To arrange high-quality sound insulation for a combined bathroom, it is advisable to take an integrated approach and think through the stages of all work in advance Source design-homes.ru

Which way is better

The highest quality method is considered to be applying automotive vibration insulation followed by coating with a material that reduces thermal conductivity. This approach solves 2 problems at once, making the characteristics of a steel bathtub comparable to the properties of a cast iron one.

However, a simpler and more budget-friendly option would be treatment with polyurethane foam. The cheapest way to reduce the sound of water rising is to line a steel bathtub with bricks and cover it with a screen.

Liquid acrylic is optimal in cases where it is not so much sound insulation that is required as improving the appearance of the bowl.

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