Where to hide a gas water heater in the kitchen, placement options, photo examples

The geyser is the main headache for lovers of modern and stylish kitchens. It is very difficult to follow fashion trends and stick to a single design when such an awkward colossus hangs on the wall. Especially if she is older than you, or even your parents.

However, there is a way out. Now there are many ways to hide or decorate this bulky but much-needed equipment. As a result, a foreign object will turn into an interesting design element, ideally suited to the overall style of the kitchen.

The easiest way is to buy an ergonomic designer model. Currently, there are many models of gas water heaters on the market - black, steel, plain in various colors.

There are also original ones - with all kinds of designs, for example, animal prints, floral and Gzhel themes, and even Palekh painting. The downside of this option is the high cost. But there is no need to hide such a column; you can be proud of it.

Hide or decorate?

Before deciding what to do with a geyser, you need to decide what financial capabilities you are based on and to what extent you visually dislike this device. If you are ready to allocate a small amount for a more harmonious appearance of the speaker, and it does not cause much outrage, you can simply decorate it. If the rejection is strong and you want to hide it completely, you will have to spend a more serious amount.

Installation of a removable ventilated box

It is possible to make a box for a geyser and pipes from decorative grilles.
The dimensions of this design are rather large, so the method is only suitable for kitchens with a large area. When making a box yourself, you will need to prepare the following materials: moisture-resistant drywall, metal profiles, screws and scissors for cutting metal.

What could the frame of the box be like?

There are a lot of frame options for decorative grilles or drywall; their choice depends on the planned dimensions of the finished structure, as well as on possible additional elements. In some cases, a wooden frame made of slats with a cross section of 50*25 mm or 60*27 mm is used.

A variant of a finished metal frame, which is subsequently sheathed with the selected material. The method can be applied both to the entire perimeter of the pipe and to a separate part of it.

Depending on the location of the pipeline or gas equipment, it is possible to mount a free-standing frame or integrate it into kitchen furniture.

You can also make a false wall to disguise all unaesthetic elements of the gas structure. An artificial wall can occupy the entire kitchen apron. It can be highlighted or, conversely, adjusted to the color of the kitchen set.

A variant of a metal frame built into a furniture kitchen set is ideal for masking a gas water heater and the entire gas supply system

Stages of arranging the box

The box is a lightweight structure, which is mounted on a metal frame profile and guides. A distinctive characteristic of this method is constant access to gas equipment.

The work of installing the box is divided into several main stages:

  1. Calculation of the dimensions of the entire structure. The width of the box must be sufficient for unobstructed access during equipment maintenance.
  2. Installation of the profile frame. The metal profile is secured with self-tapping screws strictly vertically and horizontally, using a bubble level for this.
  3. Measurements of the finished frame structure.
  4. Applying markings on plasterboard sheets, according to the measurements taken from the frame.
  5. Cutting blanks.
  6. Sheathing with prepared sheets on all sides of the frame.

For the facade of the box, you can choose an interesting decorative element, for example, install a lattice or patterned panel.

Carved screens are also made to order and decorated with original ornaments, both independently and in workshops. It is advisable to paint them to match the color of the kitchen furniture, brush them to create the effect of antiquity in the neo-vintage style, etc.

Using a ventilated box you can hide a gas meter, pipe or column. The choice of facade panel can be very diverse, from a blank door to a carved screen created according to an individual sketch

Instead of plasterboard, the frame can be covered with sheets of chipboard, MDF and clapboard. As an option, make a blind device for the box and supplement it with shelves, which can subsequently be used for their intended purpose.

It is also possible to combine the gas system box and kitchen shelves into a single structure.

Decorations in decoupage style

It is especially easy to create decorations on a plasterboard box. This material can easily be covered with a special film for decoupage. By choosing one of the popular styles of this method, and there are many of them, an ordinary box can easily turn into a canvas for creativity.

The application of interesting decorations can be in the simple city style (pasting with newspapers or glossy magazines) or neo-vintage (artificial aging).

In any case, the essence of the method is to clean the pipe or prepare the box, apply glue and place napkins with the selected pattern around the perimeter. Next, a layer of glue is applied again to completely saturate the material. After drying, the decorative element is varnished.

Putting it away in the closet

It is advisable to decide on such an option at the stage of ordering a kitchen set. Then a single style will be maintained, the speaker cabinet will not stand out from the rest of the furniture, and the space next to the gas equipment will be used as efficiently as possible.

What you need to consider when making such a cabinet:

  • Its dimensions must exceed the dimensions of the column - this is the main safety rule;
  • There is no need to make the roof and bottom of the cabinet, as well as the back wall - otherwise ventilation will be impaired, which, again, entails great danger;
  • A gas water heater in the closet will take up much more space in the kitchen than without it.

The front door of the box can be made blank - then the device will not be visible at all, and one can only guess about its existence. Or decorative - in the form of a lattice or other artistic elements. The latter option is more preferable not only aesthetically, but also from the point of view of air circulation.

An interesting option from a design point of view is a door made of frosted or slightly tinted glass. Such a “house” for a speaker will look impressive and original. Tinted glass will be especially appropriate if you prefer black appliances or if it is one of the main colors in your kitchen design.

Style selection

Before choosing a method for decorating a gas water heater, you need to decide on the kitchen design style. If you want to do nothing and leave everything as it is in its place, it is better to give preference to the loft. This direction is implemented by exposing all engineering communications. A gas water heater, in plain sight, will come in handy here. Everything can be put on display: gas meter, pipes, risers. They become the decoration of the room, their color and shape sets the tone for the overall design.

Gas water heater in a loft interior Source remraion.ru

If you like a rustic style, you also don’t have to hide the equipment. It should be aged a little using special paints. You can display a geyser even when the rustic or Provence style is used. Here you can safely experiment with artistic painting, stickers and decals. The main thing is to choose subjects that are close to the theme of the chosen design direction. When implementing other styles, it is better to hide geysers in cabinets.

An example of a successful implementation of a classic Source otoplenie-domika.ru

The following photo shows an example of the implementation of minimalism in the kitchen interior.

A modern interpretation of minimalism Source gradusplus.com

The video shows different ideas for arranging a kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building with a gas water heater:

Hiding between closets

One option to harmoniously fit the speaker into the kitchen interior is to place it between wall cabinets. With this method, it is necessary to take into account that there must be at least three centimeters of free space on the sides of the device to ensure the necessary air circulation.

The walls of adjacent cabinets must be insulated with non-combustible material.

In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to the column itself - it should be a modern, attractive model that will look organically in the current kitchen design. It is advisable that the color of the column be additionally supported by accessories.

Surface finishing

In a small kitchen in a Khrushchev-era building, you don’t need a lot of building materials for surfaces, but you shouldn’t spend your budget irrationally. A huge number of colors, quite successful imitations of textures and textures of modern finishing materials allow you not to limit yourself in anything. And if you want parquet on the floor, then the latest collections of porcelain tiles allow this. The classic rule is a darker floor compared to the side background. Black and white tiles look very impressive even in a small area.

The ceiling, as a rule, in Khrushchev-era buildings is not high, and a simple white design is the best choice. There is no need to come up with complex shapes and bulky hanging structures. If you want maximum effectiveness, then it is better to highlight the walls.

When combining different materials for the side surfaces, it is not necessary to rely on color. This can be a monochrome design, although the accent area is not canceled, for example, highlighting the dining area. The combination of wallpaper, painting, and wall tiles promises certain benefits:

  • always more practical than using only wallpaper, even washable ones;
  • cheaper than just tiles;
  • more environmentally friendly than using plastic panels.

Properly arranging a column in the corner

If the water heater is located in the corner of the kitchen, it is easiest to put it in a corner cabinet. The requirements for it are the same as for other speaker cabinets - without a top, bottom and back wall. Essentially, it is just a door that closes the device.

Also, the corner column can be separated by a special niche, which will visually separate it from the general interior. Do not forget that the wall of the niche facing the device must comply with safety regulations - be covered with non-flammable material.

Main location options

Due to the small number of Khrushchev kitchens, the number of options for the location of the column is strictly limited and depends primarily on the type of layout you choose.

With a linear layout

The kitchen set is located along one wall. The column is mounted above the sink (not recommended, but acceptable for small rooms of 4-6 square meters) or above the work surface. With this ergonomics, the proximity of the heater to the stove and refrigerator is excluded: the first is placed closer to the window, and the second is often placed on the opposite wall, right next to the dining area.

With a corner layout

The set is already located along two adjacent walls, forming an easily readable letter “G”. This ergonomics is considered more convenient, since the rule of the working triangle (cooking, storage and washing areas) has not been canceled. The column is placed in the corner and in the vast majority of cases is hidden behind cabinets.

We disguise it as a general interior

One of the easiest ways to “bring” a gas water heater into the kitchen interior is to cover it with the same wallpaper as the walls of the room. Or cover it with a vinyl film similar to them in style and color. You can also match the shade of the film for the water heater to the kitchen unit.

The best option is to paint the speaker with non-flammable paint to match the walls or furniture. Heat-resistant enamel, which is intended for coating metal, is best suited for these purposes.

However, you can use a regular spray can, then even a teenager can cope with the task. In this case, do not forget to cover the screen and handles of the device with masking tape, and also cover the surface behind the speaker.

Make sure that the blinds do not touch the column and have an indentation of several centimeters.

Pipes and chimney

From below, many pipes are connected to the column: gas, cold water supply, hot water outlet. And a chimney comes out of it from above. All this also requires registration.

To do this, you can use special boxes, which are often included with the unit.

If not, you can purchase them at hardware stores or make them yourself from plastic, plywood or drywall.

Finishing in the color of the kitchen apron will make the pipe boxes almost invisible. But do not forget that they must be easily removable or have an inspection door.

Column as an art object

If you want to have a designer column, but don’t have the money for it, you can decorate the gas appliance yourself. All you need is a little diligence and attention, and a unique art object will appear in your kitchen, which can turn from an annoying bulk into the highlight of the entire interior.

So, ways to decorate a geyser:

  1. Draw a picture. It could be a conceptual image, an interesting pattern, a funny or cute picture. If you don’t have any special talent or artistic abilities, but the desire is great, you can use stencils. The result will be no less spectacular decoration.
  2. Decorate with stickers. Funny, contrasting, thematic - our choice. Vinyl stickers are best. They look elegant and dignified - they will become an original addition to the interior, and will not destroy its concept.
  3. Use magnets. Hang magnets from different countries on the geyser and you will get a very interesting rack. If there are children in the house, you can use children's magnets - funny or educational, for example, with letters of the alphabet or numbers. The main thing is to make sure that they do not hang carelessly, otherwise they will turn from decoration into chaos.
  4. Place motivational slogans and reminders on the column. Lose weight, don’t forget to water the flowers, greet a new day with a smile, call someone - the list of possible inscriptions is endless.

How to hang a speaker inside the kitchen

If you need to move the device less than one and a half meters, you can take this step without much thought - it will not require special permits or financial investments.

If the distance exceeds this figure, the action will be regarded as a reinstallation, therefore, it will be necessary to make changes to the existing project and lay gas lines.

You definitely can’t hang the column over a gas stove; it’s best to discuss other options with a specialist first.

When moving an appliance inside the kitchen, you need to carefully consider the rationality of this action and determine its pros and cons. Decide in advance what you need the free space for and whether the speaker will become a hindrance in the new location.

Nuances of moving a gas meter

It is, of course, easier to disguise gas equipment in houses that are just being put into operation: you can think through the furniture elements in advance and choose the most convenient location for placing the appliances.

In old high-rise buildings, things are different. In a kitchen with an area of ​​6 square meters, there can be no question of installing an additional cabinet or plasterboard decor to cover the counter. Therefore, many people try to get permission from the gas service to move the measuring device. This procedure is quite complicated: it requires a project and compliance with a large number of formalities.

If the “9 circles of hell” have been completed and the procedure has been agreed upon, you need to wait for a specialist to transfer the device and then seal it.

Some people move the counter outside the kitchen. This could be a balcony, corridor or other place.

It is convenient to place the gas meter in the corridor. In a small niche it will not disturb anyone. In addition, the inspector will quickly be able to take readings and inspect the device

To prevent the gas meter from being conspicuous, you can decorate it or simply cover it with a beautiful curtain that can be easily pulled back and does not block access to the equipment

You can move the device to a corner of the kitchen, where it is easier to disguise it.

Sometimes homeowners are able to agree on installing the meter under the sink or countertop. In this case, the equipment does not interfere, but according to SNiP the installation is incorrect.

In terms of functionality, placing a gas meter under the sink is quite convenient. The device does not disturb the owner and does not spoil the interior with its appearance. But it is almost impossible to obtain permission to install the device in such a place: high humidity area, placement too low relative to the floor

If the desired transfer option was nevertheless agreed upon, it is imperative to keep the documents and the report so that problems do not arise in the future and a fine is not issued.

None of the proposed masking options appeals to you and you want to abandon installing it altogether? But can this be done legally? We discussed the possibility of refusing to install a gas flow meter in our other article.

Moving the speaker outside the kitchen

This is quite a labor- and financially-intensive option. It is especially relevant if the kitchen renovation has already been completed, but the gas water heater does not fit there, or the water heater was not originally intended for this room. But it’s worth taking such a step only if there are no other options.

The new premises must comply with the standards determined by special services. The main ones are the volume of the room is more than 7.5 cubic meters, the height of the walls is at least 2.25 m, and the presence of a chimney.

Most often, the column is moved to the bathroom. However, if the bathroom is not large in size, such a step is unlikely to be beneficial. Instead of inconvenience in the kitchen, you get inconvenience in the bathroom.


It is advisable to remove the door to the kitchen, as this will significantly widen the opening and enlarge the room as a whole. But you will have to purchase a hood so as not to spread odors throughout the entire apartment.

There is a more interesting way, but which is not suitable for all kitchens - to put the door on rails and make it sliding or folding. This will make the space lighter, provide comfort, but the requirements of inspection organizations will also be met.

Often in Khrushchev buildings there are large doorways. You can take advantage of this and narrow them down to 70–80 centimeters. The 20 centimeters of wall that appear will never be superfluous.

How to hide communications

If the column can still be chosen to have an acceptable appearance and not be hidden, then the accompanying communications - pipes, hoses and chimney - are definitely not worth showing. They usually look awkward and can ruin the most sophisticated interior.

The most budget option is to paint the pipe to match the wall.

The most aesthetically pleasing option is to hide it behind a box. Either behind the same as the column itself, or behind a separate one.

It must be remembered that communications cannot be tightly walled up. They should always be freely available.

Features of placing a speaker within a small kitchen

The housewife tries to arrange the small kitchen especially carefully, because every piece of space, even the smallest one, is valuable. And the column, as a rule, occupies a significant part of the wall. In addition, in a kitchenette this device looks even more bulky and inappropriate.

First of all, the speaker in such a room should be installed in the smallest size. A mini speaker is easier to disguise and takes up little space. Another important point is that the closer the communications outlets are to the water heater, the less space the communications themselves take up. And then you can use all the already listed methods of decorating the device - hide it in a closet, decorate it to match the tone of the kitchen, or decorate it.

In small rooms, the most advantageous positioning of the speaker is in the corner, where it will not visually hide the space so much and will allow optimal use of the rest of the wall.

Right choice

Modern equipment is presented in quite a variety of forms, from budget to expensive:

  • colored: pastel shades, black;
  • white with subtle ornaments, exquisite patterns;
  • with images – Eiffel Tower, landscapes, abstraction;
  • beautiful display with pleasant backlighting;
  • various shapes - more square or rectangular;
  • external compatibility with the hood.

Not all beautiful water heaters, and those in an attractive price segment, are good from a technical point of view. What you should pay attention to yourself:

  • maximum degrees of protection against all kinds of risks;
  • number of floors and water pressure affect the required power and productivity, especially in apartments of old construction;
  • number of exit points.

Not all models have the power required for comfortable operation, but their size range and shapes will give you a chance to choose the ideal one. Improved representatives will easily allow you to place them anywhere in the smallest kitchen. For example, tall, narrow modifications are suitable for placement on a countertop, while more square ones with the same technical characteristics will allow you to easily place them in a suitable kitchen cabinet.

power, kWtDimensions, W*H*D, cmCapacity, l/min
Open combustion chamber20-24330*615*180,


Closed combustion chamber20-23330*550*167,
Tall models18-24350*680*259,

What you need to remember when working with a gas water heater

A gas water heater is a high-risk device. Therefore, when installing, reinstalling and designing it, you must follow strict rules:

  • The device is installed on a wall covered with non-flammable materials; the opposite wall must be no closer than one meter;
  • There should be a free space of 3 cm on both sides;
  • The column must be located at least 10 cm horizontally from the stove; It is strictly forbidden to hang it above the stove;
  • Pipes cannot be hidden tightly - walled up in the ceiling, wall or floor. If the pipe passes through them, you need to leave a gap of more than 1 cm;
  • If the kitchen has a suspended ceiling, then the minimum height of its walls is 250 cm;
  • The distance from the speaker to the electrical cable and household appliances should be at least half a meter, and to the batteries - 200 meters.

And under no circumstances should you move gas pipes yourself. Permission from gas service specialists is required.

Security measures

Safety measures when moving a gas water heater must be fully coordinated with the relevant authorities, but do not forget about technical safety in matters of operating gas water heaters.

The geyser should not be closer than 3 cm to any surface. Painted wooden walls should be located even further, especially if we are talking about water heaters with an open combustion chamber.

In the case of an old manual ignition column, under no circumstances should you turn off the water without first turning off the gas and allowing the system to cool. Failure to comply with this instruction may result in an explosion.

We can summarize that using a gas water heater to heat water in an apartment is a fairly inexpensive and constructive solution. The modern market for household appliances is overflowing with models that vary in size, appearance, functionality and pricing, so everyone can make a choice for themselves.

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